6 reasons to consider podcasting for your business


Podcasting seems all the rage right now, doesn’t it? The barriers to entry are low, so anyone can start a modern-day radio show and discuss subjects they are passionate about.

Unlike video, people can listen to podcasts anywhere, such as in the car on the way to and from work, or while they are preparing a meal. Without the need to focus their attention on something visual, people can enjoy podcasts at any time of day—which means they are an excellent platform for educating your customer base.

While it’s true that particular industries might feel oversaturated with podcasts due to their ease, you can make sure yours stands out. Here are a few reasons to consider adding podcasting to your business’s digital marketing strategy:

It’s beneficial for education

Many people are aural learners, which means they absorb information best when listening. Though folks are probably performing other tasks when listening to a podcast, you still have much of their attention, which means it’s an opportunity to educate them about your industry. Stephen Woessner says in his podcast Onward Nation:

“You can’t demonstrate your credibility without sharing your expertise, and by sharing your expertise you become helpful. You become valuable for your listeners. It’s much more likely you can then develop a business relationship from someone in your audience when you’ve established your credibility.”

Podcasts are a perfect time to discuss common industry problems, answer questions people reach out to you with, and address consumers’ pain points. By proving your knowledgeability in an accessible and engaging way, listeners will know that you are a viable resource for your products and services.

Podcasting can be fun for both you and your listeners

Learning is best when it’s fun. Podcasts should not be dry narrations about why your products or the best or what problems people in your field often encounter. Listeners enjoy when the host (or hosts) is personable, non-condescending, and charismatic. Amicable banter keeps people entertained and more likely to continue listening, and it helps them retain whatever information you communicate.

It’s inexpensive

Podcasting can be an inexpensive venture. It can rack up a price tag if you rely on professional sound recording and editing services—which can cost several hundred dollars per month—but you might spend as little as $20 per month for the hosting fee if you perform all of the editing tasks yourself. There are microphones and related equipment available for less than $100 as well.

Podcasts are effective for driving sales

According to Social Media Today

, many podcast listeners don’t mind commercial breaks, and they are more invested in the message. One survey asked 300,000 podcast listeners about their habits and found that 63 percent of respondents purchased a product that a host had promoted on their show. 71 percent even said that they visited a sponsor’s website after hearing an advertisement, and 62 percent noted that they contemplated a new product or service.

They typically have consistent audiences

Podcast listeners are often subscribers, which means that their devices automatically download new episodes when they are published. This is unlike other media, which you usually have to fight to put in front of people on social media or via email. Your video and image reach will probably be a bit more nebulous, while the individuals who listen to your podcast will (hopefully) be more consistent (and thus more loyal, and more likely to become advocates). Plus with podcasts you avoid the issue of having to find the top video editing softwares online, unlike you do with video.

A few caveats to keep in mind

Podcasts are excellent for education, but they might not drive as many leads as other media (at least for now). Podcasts are much more searchable on the internet than they were a few years ago, but while YouTube remains the number one channel for video, there isn’t a go-to platform for audio content just yet. Many of your listeners will probably find you on iTunes, but this means that there are no in-platform search engines that will make your content easily visible.

Some people also struggle with deciding which podcasts to listen to because unlike text or video transcripts, they cannot skim them to determine if it’s worth their attention. Consider providing transcripts so that people can quickly decide if your content is relevant to them, and make sure that your first episode (and the beginning of every following chapter) is as enticing as possible.

Why is podcasting important? It’s because it’s a unique opportunity to sit down with your audience and talk about whatever you need to. Would you like to answer questions about your industry? Do you have market insight that you’d like to share? Do you want to make hilarious jabs at your co-host for twenty minutes? It’s all possible with podcasts, and people can listen to them anywhere.

Photo by Jonathan Velasquez on Unsplash