When you own a small business, you must make sure you are covered by insurance for any event that may have a knock on effect for your business. You have to abide by the health and safety laws and you are required by law to have employers’ liability insurance for people who you employ under a contract or apprenticeship.
Any injuries or illness relating to road accident claims that occur whilst your employees are working for you, may be covered separately by your motor insurance, so make sure to check your policy cover thoroughly.
You may also need public liability insurance, which will cover you for claims made by
members of the public or other businesses. Public liability insurance is voluntary and whereas employers’ liability insurance is compulsory, but both are key if you want to ensure you are completely covered.
Another insurance you may wish to consider is professional indemnity insurance. This is especially important if your business offers advice or a professional service to other businesses. This covers you if a mistake is made which causes a client’s business to suffer financial loss.
Minimise work-related stress
The best way to improve productivity, and decrease stress, is to make sure work levels or targets are achievable. Create a relaxed working environment and be approachable, so employees can come to you easily; this way any issues can be sorted out quickly and efficiently.
It is also an idea to make your employees a part of improving the health and safety processes, as they will see any problems that may arise on a daily basis. This will help them feel involved and valued.
Ensure a safe working environment
By following health and safety laws, you will be able to minimise the amount of accidents that take place. You will also be able to develop training that will ensure all employees follow the correct processes to minimise accidents in the workplace.