It is often said that the best ideas can be pitched in 30 seconds or less. Serial investor and multi-millionaire, Simon Dolan is taking this idea to the next level by offering entrepreneurs and small businesses the chance to pitch him their idea in a Twitter message of 140 characters or less.
Dolan will then take the best ideas forward, before making a decision on the company that he would like to invest in. Having grown several multi million pound companies from scratch, Dolan will then use his finances and expertise to assist in building the business.
Dolan said of his latest project, “With loans still hard to come by, people are looking for new and innovative ways to gain funds for their business idea. We are only just beginning to see the full potential of Twitter as a communication medium, and this unique method of investment is the next step forward.”
Simon Dolan started his first company from his bedroom at the age of 23. His portfolio of companies now includes the UK’s fastest growing accountancy firm: SJD Accountancy, and a motor racing team. His businesses were recently valued at over £50 million.
To pitch a business idea,
or to follow Dolan on Twitter, click HERE or search for ‘simondolan’