Top 25 management books announced


The books are now one step closer to winning the coveted title of CMI Management Book of the Year, having made it on to the competition shortlist for this year’s awards.   The winner will be decided by  a panel of management experts including Professor Cary Cooper CBE of Lancaster University and Sir Anthony Cleaver of Novia Financial Plc,
The CMI Management Book of the Year competition, run by CMI in association with the British Library, aims to uncover the UK’s best books on management and leadership and raise the profile of the great management writing in the UK.
The shortlisted books are those that, in the opinion of the expert panel of competition judges, will help transform the working practices of managers and help to raise awareness of how management theories and thinking can be better applied in practice.
With £5,000 at stake for the winning author, the shortlisted books, which include Fixing Britain: the business of reshaping our nation, by Digby Jones and Buy-in: saving your good idea from getting shot down, by John P. Kotter and Lorne A Whitehead, will now undergo an intense review process, where the judges will whittle down the entries to find the winners.
One winner will be chosen in each of the five categories – most practical management book, best book for innovation and entrepreneurship, best eBook, best commuters’ read and the most outstanding management and leadership textbook. An overall winner will also be chosen from the five category winners. 
The Management Book of the Year competition, which is now in its second year, was created in response to research that showed employees are unwilling to turn to their bosses for help when they need it at work and struggle to find useful, practical books to help them develop professionally.
Piers Cain, knowledge manager at CMI, said: “Unfortunately, the UK is, yet again, teetering on the edge of recession. We need highly-skilled managers if organisations are to succeed and recover. We believe reading to learn to be an important part of this. To revitalise and professionalise management, we need to expose our managers to good ideas and innovative thinking.”
“It is thrilling to see who, out of the huge number of entries we received, has made it on to the shortlist. I wish all of the finalists every success as they near the closing stages of the competition.”
Simon Bell, Head of Strategic Partnerships & Licensing at the British Library, says: “Once again the quality of books entered into this award have been of the highest quality.  This demonstrates the quality of management books that are available on the market and the increasing number that are being used on a daily basis by business people and researchers alike.  Platforms like the British Library’s Management Business Portal bring some of these resources to life so that students of management and business can understand some of the issues facing the UK economy and business today.  The Library looks forward to the results!”
The winning book will be announced on 6 February 2012:
Practical Management category:
The art of action: how leaders close the gaps between plans, actions and results, by Stephen Bungay
Being the boss, by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback
The cult of the leader: a manifesto for more authentic business, by Christopher Bones
Good strategy/bad strategy: the difference and why it matters, by Richard Rumelt
The leader’s guide to influence: how to use soft skills to get hard results, by Mike Brent and Fiona Dent
Innovation and Entrepreneurship category:
Fixing Britain: the business of reshaping our nation, by Digby Jones
From brainwave to business: how to turn your brilliant idea into a successful start-up, by Celia Gates
Identifying hidden needs: creating breakthrough products, by Keith Goffin, Fred Lemke and Ursula Koners
The innovator’s DNA, Jeff Dyer, by Hal Gregersen, and Clayton M. Christensen
Out of our minds: learning to be creative, 2nd ed., by Ken Robinson
eBook category:
Bad apples: identify, prevent and manage negative behaviour at work, by John Taylor and Adrian Furnham
Bold: how to be brave in business and win, by Shaun Smith and Andy Milligan
International business, by Mike Peng and Klaus Meyer
Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization, by Henk A.Volberda, Robert E. Morgan, Patrick Reinmoeller, Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland and Robert E. Hoskisson
Women and the new business leadership, by Peninah Thomson and Tom Lloyd
Best commuters’ read category:
Buy-in: saving your good idea from getting shot down, by John P. Kotter and Lorne A Whitehead
Decision book: fifty models for strategic thinking, by Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler
Put your mindset to work: the one asset you really need to win and keep the job you love, by James Reed and Paul G. Stoltz
The mobile MBA: 112 skills to take you further, faster, by Jo Owen
John Adair’s 100 greatest ideas for personal success, by John Adair
Outstanding management and leadership textbook category:
Corporate responsibility, by Mick Blowfield & Alan Murray
Effectual entrepreneurship, by Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy, Nick Dew, Robert Wiltbank, Anne-Valérie Ohlsson
The new psychology of leadership: identity, influence and power, by S. Alexander Haslam, Stephen D. Reicher, & Michael J. Platow
Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization, by Henk A.Volberda, Robert E. Morgan, Patrick Reinmoeller, Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland & Robert E. Hoskisson
A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying leadership, 2nd ed., by Brad Jackson & Ken Parry