Five essential tips from leading nutritionist Barbara Cox to boost your immune system from covid

Barbara Cox | Business Matters

If you’re healthy you’ve got a sporting chance at business and at life. Entrepreneur of the Year winner 2008, Barbara Cox merges the worlds of business and nutrition and takes ten minutes to dispense some vital knowledge to Business Matters readers.

No stranger to the business world, the chances are high that you’ve already enjoyed some of her products without even knowing it. She designed and launched the first flapjack protein bar which was snapped up by Selfridges before launching her nutritional meal delivery service nationwide. Both of these set the trend for the following fifteen years of easy protein fixes and subscription based businesses.

Today she works as a nutrition consultant and wellness coach as well as sitting on many lifestyle advisory boards across the UK and Europe. After discussing how important the need is for business owners everywhere to boost their immune system to maintain control of their health and business, she shared the following insights, all designed for Business Matters reader’s to be easily implemented and help to guard against winter colds and covid.

After studying the research, Barbara has compiled her top 5 tips that you can action right now, to boost your immune system. Since 2004, Barbara’s ethos has been to ‘protect & correct’ so make sure you have a Covid19 strategy ready for protecting against the virus and the right things on hand in case you catch it …

Drink plenty of water, the right kind of water

You’ve probably heard it before: we’re composed of 70 to 80% water – it’s true! As well as being the main component of blood and other body fluids, water plays a vital role in maintaining correct body temperature and flushing toxins out of the body. You should aim to drink at least two litres a day.

She advises that you be choosy with your quality of water and be careful of water filters that can cause more issues than prevent them. For example, the Brita water filter pitcher uses an activated carbon filter that removes chlorine, zinc, copper, cadmium and mercury, however, it doesn’t remove all nitrates, dissolved minerals or bacteria or viruses in water. These pass freely through the filter.

After researching it thoroughly she recommends the best, safest and most cost-effective water filtration bottle called Puritii that the Armed Forces are currently using.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Fruit and vegetables are simply the best kinds of food for us. They provide a variety of essential minerals and vitamins and fruit and vegetables contain pigments such as carotenes and flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that provide significant protection that can support the respiratory system which is attacked by the virus and naturally boost our immune system and helping the recovery process after illness too.

Aim to incorporate these 10 super immune boosting foods in your diet weekly:

Shiitake Mushrooms



Curcuma Root (fresh turmeric)

Goji Berries




Green Tea


She recommends meal planning to make sure you’re getting a huge variety of food in your weekly meals.

Consume fish and fish oils

As well as providing us with nucleic acids needed for cells to thrive, fish naturally provides oils which neutralise harmful free radicals in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that rip parts off healthy molecules – such as DNA – often leading to reduced immune system and leading to disease.)

Great choices of oily fish are wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and trout. Vegetarian sources are walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds.

Try aromatherapy

There is growing concern that topical use of chemicals in our personal care products can make their way into our blood stream and cause allergies and reactions leading to an impaired immune system. I personal try to use non-toxic alternatives where possible.

I adore aromatherapy to naturally enhance my immune system, freshen and disinfect my home and build a natural defence barrier as a natural hand-wipe and to inhale when travelling on public transport, planes, visiting hospitals or crowded shopping areas.

Get your sunshine vitamin

In normal circumstances, sunshine, not food, is where most of your vitamin D comes from. So even a healthy, well-balanced diet, that provides all the other vitamins and nutrients you need, is unlikely to provide enough vitamin D if you aren’t able to get enough sun. People with vitamin D deficiency may need supplements. A review of 25 studies found vitamin D supplements can help protect against acute respiratory infections, particularly among people who are deficient. Take a walk in the sunshine daily for at least 10 minutes to keep that vitamin D topped up, if this is not possible, then take a look at supplementation.

A note on supplements. It’s important to consult your doctor if you’re already taking other medications before trying new additions to your regime. If you get the ‘all clear’ from them, you need to ensure that you source bona fide supplements. Barbara knows the exact ones to purchase for those who need an extra boost and might not have the time to research all the best products, manufacturing certificates of those products and EU compliance. Please contact her through In the meantime, keep building that resilience.

Cherry Martin

Cherry Martin

Cherry is Associate Editor of Business Matters with responsibility for planning and writing future features, interviews and more in-depth pieces for what is now the UK’s largest print and online source of current business news.
Cherry Martin

Cherry is Associate Editor of Business Matters with responsibility for planning and writing future features, interviews and more in-depth pieces for what is now the UK’s largest print and online source of current business news.