Book Shelf: Beyond Measure by Margaret Heffernan


Having been submerged into the business world for a large portion of her life, Margaret Heffernan and her latest book ‘Beyond Measure’ acts a perfect manifesto for any CEO, employer or employee.

With detailed anecdotes of her time overseeing different organisations, Heffernan came to one simple conclusion: It’s the little things which have the greatest impact.

With countless lessons crammed into 120 pages, this book teaches anyone from the business sector how organisations can build ideal workplace cultures and how small things like celebrating mistakes, encouraging time off and speaking up and listening more, can have such a big impact on any business.

TED speaker, Heffernan is a wise and witty storyteller who complexity engages her reader page after page. Filled with compelling stories and eye-opening statistics, this book is aimed at anyone from the top-dog to the tea boy.