Not only were emails easy to write and send, but they were also delivered exceptionally fast to offer almost instantaneous communication to people anywhere in the world. This promoted them to many purposes and it wasn’t long before marketers began to utilise the format.
Even today, email marketing solutions are a must-have tool for any company looking to assert themselves in a competitive market – and here’s why.
It has great reach
One of the biggest attractions for email marketing is its potential reach. According to statistics, there were as many as 3.6 billion email accounts in 2013 with this number growing all the time. Almost three-quarters (74%) of consumers claim they actually prefer to receive commercial messages via email and 91% of them check their emails daily so these 3.6 billion accounts see plenty of activity.
Although you may think sending an email from your company will deter consumers from opening them, as much as 82% of consumers open such messages.
The trick is making sure your email is constructed properly; 64% of people open emails based purely on the subject line with a personalised subject 22% more likely to be opened and an open rate of 58% achieved by emails with subject lines less than 10 characters long.
It is successful
When used correctly, email marketing has proven to be incredibly successful for businesses. Almost two-thirds (66%) of consumers made an online purchase because of a marketing email and three-fifths (60%) of marketers say email marketing creates positive ROI, with email marketing having an estimated ROI of 4,300%.
Consumers receiving offers via email spend 138% more than those who do not and email marketing accounts for approximately 10% of total sales for half of businesses.
It is popular
It is common for businesses to look for ways to break free from the mould and carve their own path. Blindly following the herd is generally a big turn-off in the corporate world but email marketing is one exception to this rule.
Ignoring the potential which email marketing could hold for your business venture puts you at an immediate disadvantage – after all, if everyone else is already firmly on the email marketing bandwagon then your refusal to step aboard will cause you to miss out on a vital slice of the marketing pie.
In 2013, more than half (54%) of all emails sent by businesses were for marketing purposes. In total, this equated to more than 838 billion emails so you can see just how much you’d be limiting yourself by ignoring this vital form of communication.
As always, you need to make sure your emails are constructed professionally and in a way that will attract interest if they’re to stand any chance of being successful. There are numerous firms who can help you with this.