Cybersecurity tips that can save a starting business


Cybersecurity seems like a strong word for a small company that has only started its economic activity.

Many of the small businesses do not pay sufficient attention to their online security, thinking that there is no way they could be under attack. However, this way of thinking can often get businesses into trouble. You may get direct attacks from competitors, or simply catch a virus or see your personal information leaked. In any case, protection measures are indispensable irrespective of your business size and revenue.

If you are thinking of starting your own business or already have a small company, you can undertake these simple yet effective measures to keep your business safe.

How to protect your business online

  1. Use antivirus software. Many of the antivirus and anti-spy programs are free of charge and can be installed on both Windows and Mac run computers. The software will keep the computer of your employees safe, and thus the information about your economic activity will be protected. This software will also make sure your computer does not simply shut down due to a virus and lose all the data.
  2. Secure your business accounts with good passwords. Elaborate passwords ensure the protection of your data, so invest some time into making up a password pool of 3 to 4 passwords that you will alternate each month. The passwords should only be kept in your head and passed to the trusted employees.
  3. Educate your employees. Cybersafety of your business is only possible if your employees are informed about the threats that your business may be facing as a growing company. A lot of classified commercial information may end up at your employees’ personal computers or mobile devices used for business purposes, and, if they are not careful enough, it can be stolen or overseen by perpetrators. Make sure your employees know how to protect their personal data and how to behave on social networks so that your information does not end up in public access.
  4. Use only secure payment methods. Do a thorough research before establishing partner relations with different payment companies. In order to keep the information about your current financial status secure, you need a reliable company to trust it. The same goes for the credit card information of your clients.
  5. Create backup copies of your electronic information. These could be backup copies of your computer, mobile device or separate documents. In case some information is lost, your growing business may suffer negative consequences, such as loss of client database or budget information leakage.
  6. Limit the mobility of computers in your office. Do not let your employees take the computers home or transport them unless it’s really necessary. A good idea would be to allow only the reasonable use of mobile devices so that the information is not copied to many devices of which you will never be able to keep track.

Cybersecurity measures are equally important for small, growing and large businesses. Commercial information and personal data of your clients may easily end up online or in the hands of your competitors. It is particularly important for sensitive businesses, whose clients prefer anonymity. With the safety issues on the Internet, you can never be too careful.