Better book keeping for small businesses


One in three small and medium sized businesses fail to take reasonable care when it comes to bookkeeping. This can cause problems for your business, but on the flip side, retaining a close eye on your paperwork can have big benefits for cash flow and profitability.
Are you one of the 1.5m small or medium sized businesses whose poor record keeping is preventing your company from making the money it could be? Well, now there are shows on TV and here online to help you out.
“The Business Inspector”, a new 4-part TV series launching on Five at 8pm on Wednesday 17th March, aims to remind small businesses of the importance of keeping good records. Each week presenter Hilary Devey, the award-winning entrepreneur, visits two small businesses and advises them how to improve their processes, systems, strategy and direction.
Immediately after the first episode, Devey will feature in a live, interactive WebTV show in which she will answer business owners’ questions.  She will be joined by Mike Allcock from HM Revenue & Customs in giving top tips on bookkeeping and all things tax.
Hilary Devey and Mike Allcock join us live online HERE   on Wednesday 17thMarch at 9.00
Click here to submit questions before the show HERE
For more information visit