8 reasons likeable people succeed


Likeable people leave their ego at home

Likeable people don’t seek attention and, according to this article in the Huffington Post, they tend to take criticism better than most. When leading a company, criticism comes as part of the job description. Likeable people can work with it, so leave your ego at the door when it comes to your career.

They make everyone feel relaxed
Likeable people have a welcome knack of making people feel relaxed. There are several different styles of leadership and just as there’s a place for a real authority figure at management level, there’s also scope for a manager who inspires happiness and harmony in a team environment.

They contribute to a positive atmosphere
Having a likeable person in the room can improve the mood of everyone else. In modern open plan offices, it’s not uncommon to see chief executives working in full view of everyone else, and if he or she is prone to thunderous moods, that can quickly spread and unsettle others. A leader with a personable personality knows how to give off an air of calm and of being in control – even if there’s inner turmoil.

People like to do business with people they like
Wherever you are in business, you’re always more likely to choose someone you like to work with. This is why likeable people often tend to get the best opportunities, providing their skills match too. The old saying, ‘people buy people’ remains true and valid today. A positive attitude and welcoming demeanour can open doors.

It’s not what you know…
In so many elements of life, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know and likeable people make friends and establish professional relationships much more easily. If you have a network of great professional contacts, these can be a strong asset in business.

They perform well at interview
Even at executive level, there are job vacancies to apply for – though these tend to be in the £50k-plus bracket which you’ll find on sites such as exec-appointments.com. Therefore, this means there are going to be interviewers to impress. In this situation, candidates will be assessed on a number of criteria, including skills and experience, but hiring companies are also looking for personality fit. Remember, executives have a great degree of team management and few companies will want abrasive characters potentially damaging morale.

They leave a strong first impression
In a formal situation – like a meeting or presentation with a client – it can help to make a good impression. No-one likes to conduct business with a rude individual; an understanding, emphatic tone can go a long way to getting a professional relationship off to a perfect start.

They are genuine
Likeable people are genuine. This puts everyone at ease and helps to build trust and understanding. Not only are these people going to be very charming but they’re also more likely to tell it like it is without being rude – something that’s so important in business today. Diplomacy is an underrated, yet highly valued, skill. It’s also not something which can be easily faked – insincerity is quickly exposed.

There you have it – several reasons why likeability and business leadership complement each other perfectly. Nice guys – and girls – don’t always finish last.