From mid February until the middle of March Bartek Postek, the CEO, and Pawel Czerwony, The New Business Developer, the representatives of Funmedia, have participated in Ready To Go! in Silicon Valley. The main objective of the programme organized by AIP Business Link network was to prepare Polish technology companies for entering the US Market.
As a result of the trip to the United States, the participants were able to take part in a Silicon Valley Open Week in Warsaw, where they had an opportunity to meet Chris Burry who manages the acceleration of the US MAC, and to learn how to build effective business models and how to present theirs ideas.
Funmedia is the creator of e-learning products distributed on 29 markets (including Australia, Germany, Canada). Its portfolio consists of a dozen of language and expert e-courses. The company is also the author of mobile applications Kursy123 and Courses123, that have over 300 000 users from 195 countries. Their latest language application Lingly is currently being developed by another duet from Funmedia as a part of TURN8 acceleration programme in Dubai.
During the three weeks in California (first in San Francisco, then in Palo Alto), the representatives of Funmedia were able to learn a lot from mentors in the IT-industry and to participate in various business leader meetings with the prestigious brand-experts from Silicon Valley.
The conclusion to the programme was a pitching session where the participants were allowed to give a final presentation in a front of the investors. The prominent figure among the investors was the co-founder of Manuel Fernandez. The Funmedia team managed to defeat five IT-company partnerships and won three-month residence in Rocket Space, the most prestigious office in Silicon Valley, the residence of Spotify, Uber or Supercell.
“We are extremely pleased to be the winner of Ready To Go!, not only because we have achieved a success, but also because we have gained valuable experience and knowledge, and have done networking with such gurus as Google, Cisco, or Intel – says The CEO Bartek Postek – Being able to work in Rocket Space provides an opportunity for obtaining new business contacts and participating in a number of inspiring events in the IT-industry.“
Participation in Ready To Go! has also resulted in making a few significant business contacts. The first one is a cooperation with the University of California at Berkeley consisting in making the Funmedia products available for their students to test, another one is the collaboration with Trunity. The company will allow the distribution of Funmedia courses on the US market through their e-learning platform. Furthermore, the micro-learning platform Coursmos will make componets from Funmedia’s e-courses available for sale, and thanks to thecooperation with the company will have a chance to appear on the Brazilian market
The Office Suite in Rocket Space will be used for future trips to the United States that will be organized in order to develop business partnerships. This is another step on the way to get Funmedia closer to opening a branch of the company in the United States of America.