Apprentice runner-up Luisa Zissman has 16 angel investors sweet on her business

The 25-year-old from St Albans, who lost out to Leah Totton in the final, has revealed she has 16 investors on board and will launch her online firm selling baking supplies later this year.

Immediately after finding out that she had lost out on winning £250,000 investment from Lord Sugar Zissman wasted no time in seeking alternate funding for her bakery utensils business, Bakers Toolkit.

After a successful pitching session with angel investment marketplace [ilink url=””]Angels Den[/ilink] , that connects investors with entrepreneurs, Luisa has caught the interest of 16 investors to the tune of £500K – twice what she would have secured from Lord Sugar.

Taking to her Twitter account Zissman revealed that she had spent Wednesday, the day of the final, pitching her Bakers Toolkit business idea to Angels Den investors saying ‘Thanks for all your support!! Sorry I didn’t win! But pitched today to @AngelsDen & have 16 Investors interested!

‘@AngelsDen is a MUCH better investment for me personally would defo recommend!! X’

Luisa later added: ‘Being an entrepreneur is about picking urself up dusting urself off and focusing on the nx thing (sic).’

The experience must have been a great one as Luisa then went on to pour cold water on Lord Sugar inviting people to take part in the next series of The Apprentice by advising her Twitter followers not to bother applying for the BBC show – but go straight to Angels Den.

She tweeted: ‘Instead of applying for the apprentice check out @AngelsDen I pitched today and have 16 investors on board to make Bakers Toolkit happen!!’

Also whilst Leah has had to agree  50/50 equity split on the ownership of her new surgical company with Lord Sugar it’s likely that Luisa would be able to secure a better deal and gain more flexibility in terms of choice of investors to enable her to get the best balance for her and her business as her angels will provide her with financial as well as mentoring and management experience support and contacts.