My Influences: Kitty Shepherd


Entrepreneur You Admire

Delia Smith. For me, she is a great example of a savvy entrepreneur who goes against the illusion of having to be tough to make it in the business world. She’s a strong, influential woman, with a down to earth attitude, who’s successfully subverted gender roles by breaching the gap between being a celebrity cook and owning Norwich Football Club.

Favourite Film

Gone With the Wind. This epic romance is a classic that I’ve watched countless number of times growing up. It’s one of those films that you can watch over and over again – it never gets old!

Favourite Music/Band

I have a varied taste in music; everything from Daft Punk to Regina Spektor. Currently, I’m really enjoying listening to Haim, I love their music and look – I also admire the strength of three sisters working together, and is something I feel I can relate to as my two sisters and I work together to drive our brand, Shepherds Markets forward.

Favourite TV Show

The Apprentice. I find the concept of individuals chasing their dreams truly inspirational. Alan Sugar does a great job of getting them ready for the world of business and each week’s challenges never fail to entertain. From working with our traders, who come from a variety of industries and backgrounds, we understand the challenges which can be faced along the way in running a company and consequently the importance of working together to achieve growth and success.

Favourite Theatre Show

I recently saw “The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable” in London, an interactive performance where each member of the audience puts on a mask and roams around the set. I had no idea what to expect before I saw it, and found it uniquely enthralling, riveting and confusing as a psychological play. On a lighter note, I’m also a big fan of musicals!

Favourite Holiday Destination

Padula, Italy. With Italian blood in my family, I have always gone to southern Italy since I was a child. We are an incredibly close household, which is what I feel makes our business even stronger and even invite our traders to join the ‘Shepherds Markets family’ on a regular basis. I have some lovely childhood memories in Padula, not forgetting to mention the amazing food, beautiful scenery and guaranteed sun.

Favourite Book

‘Io non ho paura’, an Italian book by Niccolo Ammaniti, translated as ‘I’m Not Scared’. Set in southern Italy, it tells the tale of an Italian family and how they overcome adversity together. I feel a strong personal connection with the story, as I’m from a very close family, and this book underlines the importance of strong, family ties.

A Person You Admire

J. K. Rowling. She is proof that if you have a dream, and you work hard, you can achieve it. As a single mother, she went against the odds and managed to create a whole other world with her writing. She showed bravery and courage; in my eyes she is a great example of how you can turn an idea into a reality. This is exactly what my sisters and I are trying to achieve with Shepherds Markets. Nine years ago, it was merely a thought we had, yet now we look after over 60 traders on a regular basis, providing a supportive platform and channel for them to succeed.

One Piece of Advice to a New Start-Up

Persevere. Success is not going to happen overnight! You have to focus and keep refining your brand and product. There are bound to be struggles along the way, and your idea will inevitably change and evolve, but don’t give up and don’t be scared to take risks.