Getting To Know You: Matt Jones, founder & director of Oxbridge Home Learning


What do you currently do?

I’m the founder and director of Oxbridge Home Learning, an online learning provider that gives people the time, freedom and flexibility to mould their future through ultra-personalised education. I also have interests in international property and several SAAS (software as a service) companies in various sectors.

Spearheading Oxbridge Home Learning keeps me really busy and is a true passion of mine.  Reaching thousands of learners worldwide, we deliver a diverse selection of accredited courses, from A-Levels and GCSEs through to professional qualifications for Teaching Assistants, Nursery Nurses and Bookkeepers. Supported by expert tutors, our courses equip people with the skills required to succeed in the real World. 

What was the inspiration behind your business?

It traces back to my desire to help people. Training and education is a great way to help people improve their lives, all it takes is a want for something more and a drive to improve. If properly nurtured, a well-delivered education can be the gift that keeps on giving.

I wanted to create a truly immersive distance learning experience by examining course design through the eyes of the learner. I established Oxbridge Home Learning with a vision of creating a fully-integrated, global learning experience following the mantra of “Anytime, anywhere, anyhow, anybody” – meaning that we would always try and be as accessible and helpful as possible.

What defines your way of doing business?

I have a long-term goal but am flexible on how we get there. I’m not afraid to pivot on ideas, if something’s not working, I change it. I see change as a positive force.

I like to know our people and processes intricately. I sit on a desk in our main office with the whole team and encourage collaboration at all levels. We run the flattest possible management structure and avoid micro-management at all costs.

For me, it’s all about having a great product or service, something that solves the genuine pains of a customer. I believe in listening closely to my customers and getting a solid grasp on what problems they’re trying to solve. I love chatting to our clients directly whenever I can.

I feel it’s important to have great relationships with everyone you work with and these should be built on a solid foundation of trust.With this in mind, I always try to under-promise and over deliver.

Who do you admire?

The first one is easy (as I’m sure it is for most); My parents inspired and encouraged me to “be my own boss”. They ran a successful luxury goods company when I was younger which they sold when I was in my teens. Luckily, they also had plenty of time for me too; a balance that is hard to find.

I also admire my team, they are all fabulous in their respective fields.  Surrounding yourself with a talented team not only makes your life much easier but the passion and talent they possess, help drive the company forward.

I have admiration for resilience, people who shine through in the face of adversity really fascinate me. That can apply to so many situations, from business through to personal experiences. It doesn’t matter if you get knocked down so long as you get right back up again.

Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently?

I don’t have regrets. I believe that everything you experience in life molds you in to the person you are today. You can’t change your past so there’s no point being concerned about it.

What would I tell my younger self? Take a year out and go travelling. Being fortunate enough to travel to many wonderful places has really opened my eyes to the World and I’d recommend it to everyone. It changes your outlook on many things.

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Listen and learn. Pretty much every mistake you are going to make has already been made by someone else. There is a wealth of information, knowledge, and experience available to you, much of which people will impart to you for free.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, I probably would have been reluctant in my early years but believe me, later in my career I see the absolute value in doing so and very much see it as a sign of strength.

There are so many resources you can take advantage of these days, such as events, networking, mentors and there are plenty of organisations that will help you develop your ideas too.