Getting to know you: Bruno Teuber

Bruno Teuber

What do you currently do?

I joined New Relic in Spring 2016 as Senior Vice President, EMEA Enterprise.I am focused on the company’s strategy and investment in the region and helping our EMEA customers in the best possible way. Companies are rightfully investing so much into their digital strategies, so understanding how their websites and apps are performing, what their customers are experiencing, and the impact on the business’ bottom line is of paramount importance. It’s exciting to see how New Relic can help everyone in a company – from the developers to the business leader – see inside their digital businesses in ways that they haven’t been able to before.My role also includes managing our London and Zurich offices and employees, so I spend a lot of time with the team to support their efforts and coach them on how to help customers take their businesses to the next level.

What was the inspiration behind the business?

New Relic’s founder, Lew Cirne, started the company in 2008, while working on a personal coding project that sparked the realisation that there had to be a simpler way to monitor and understand his software. Application Performance Monitoring (APM) was a category that he had founded at his previous company, Wily, and in 2008 it became clear that there was an opportunity to take the friction out of APM and make it beautiful and simple – and delivered through the cloud. And APM was just the beginning, as we’ve since taken this approach and expanded it to an integrated software analytics platform, providing a complete view of what’s going on within your digital business.

Who do you admire?

I admire people who attempt to challenge the world around them and think about how to make it better, and Lew Cirne is one of these people. The way that the company was founded is a testimony to this way of thinking. I also admire businesses that take the same approach. We should all be constantly reinventing, challenging and pushing each other.

Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently?

I’ve learned over the years to think about the big picture and try to develop a broad perspective on the matter at hand. When I was younger, I tended to live in the moment and made more impulsive decisions, which wasn’t as conducive to long-term wins. Now, having had the advantage of working with many talented colleagues, getting a little older and developing a more well rounded experience, I’ve learned to consider different possible outcomes and perspectives. This growth and realisation has made me the business leader that I am today.  

What defines your way of doing business?

I approach business in a straightforward, open and transparent way, and I like to make decisions based on facts rather than emotions. I think this fits well with New Relic’s approach as a data-driven business.  Our products let our customers geek out on a wealth of in-depth information – from their application’s performance, to their customer experience, to their whole business – and this level of insight is immensely useful to running a successful business. Because this is so tightly aligned to how I do business myself, it makes being passionate about our solutions really easy!

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Always start with the customer; regardless of the service or product you’re selling. Ask yourself what it is that your customer needs most. Your business offering has to be relevant if it’s going to succeed.I also always advise my teams to get honest opinions and feedback from peers and industry experts to stay on track – this is something I learned early on and something I do every day with New Relic.