Getting to know you: The Protein Works

What do you currently do?

We are the founders of THE PROTEIN WORKS™ and all three of us are actively involved in the business on a daily basis. We’ve poured our hearts and souls into TPW™ across all areas to make it the multi-award winning business that it is today. As a leading eCommerce business with manufacturing and product development in-house, it’s vital that we work closely together to ensure these various diverse functions operate smoothly. We spend our time constantly looking to improve the customer experience in every way possible.

Who do you admire?
Having invested everything we had in to THE PROTEIN WORKS™ and fought hard against much bigger, established brands in a highly competitive market, we’ve come to appreciate what it takes to be successful. Any entrepreneur who takes a measured risk, who believes in their vision and is totally committed to achieving it, is certainly someone we whole-heartedly admire.

Looking back are there things you would have done differently?
We’re pretty philosophical about how things turn out. Although we have a combined wealth of experience, we come up against new challenges every day. Together we’ll work our way through them and come up with the best solution. There are no knee jerk reactions and we certainly always put our customers first in the making of any decision. One of our company mantras is “There’s always a way!”. We’re immensely proud of THE PROTEIN WORKS™ and in all honesty, we wouldn’t change a thing.

What defines your way of doing business?
In a dynamic sector such as sports nutrition, things change very fast and it’s crucial as a business that you have strong and flexible relationships with suppliers. We focus on building long term relationships that allow us to innovate in a way and at a rate that the competition simply can’t match. This constant pushing of established boundaries has really differentiated us from the rest of the market. We’ll never follow the market, we’re ruthless in our pursuit of innovating for the benefit of our customers before anyone else.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
It definitely helps having others to share the load. We each have different personalities, strengths and weaknesses. Being able to bounce ideas off each other and support each other helps immensely. Also, make sure your vision and brand is truly different in the market place. Simply coming up with a brand that copies others won’t win you customers or success in the long term, no matter how attractive it appears in the short term. Finally, never accept the good is good enough.