Getting to know you: Craig Law


What do you currently do?

I’m a partner in the Commercial Property team of hlw Keeble Hawson, which has four offices across Yorkshire. I deal with wide ranging commissions including landlord and tenant work, secured lending, commercial land and property acquisitions and deals. My remit also extends to disposals and residential investment portfolios.

What is your inspiration in the business?
I get a big kick out of helping clients to overcome their challenges and obstacles and seeing them achieve their goals and grow their businesses. Being a part of their success is immensely rewarding.

Who do you admire?
In the sporting world David Beckham – he is a great role model and ambassador for charities including UNICEF and Comic Relief. In business I admire Alan Sugar – a working class boy made good who speaks his mind and does not suffer fools gladly. Closer to home, my parents Ernie and Lynn who instilled a hard work ethic into us and encouraged us to pursue our goals.

Looking back are there things you would have done differently?
No – I’m a great believer that everything happens for a reason – even our mistakes.

What defines your way of doing business?
Being friendly and approachable – making a big effort to get to know the client, so they feel comfortable and confident in sharing their business goals and challenges with me.

What advice would you give to someone starting out?
In today’s uncertain climate, taking the time at the outset to challenge yourself and find out what you really want out of your career is vital. The adage that ‘the more you put in, the more you get out’ is also as relevant as ever. Conducting a SWOT analysis to establish both the challenges and opportunities of specific career paths can be invaluable in helping to sharpen your focus.