Getting to Know You: Andrew Stoddart

What do you currently do?

At VIDA, we help clients to drive their businesses forward in the knowledge that their investment is firmly linked to bottom line return.

We achieve this by understanding our clients’ goals and challenges, listening to their priorities, finding and unlocking the opportunities in land and property, and, most importantly, delivering tangible results.

What is your inspiration in the business?

I get fired up by seeing how our combined creativity and commercial nous results in powerful outcomes for clients – and by cultivating long standing, quality partnerships across the UK.

Who do you admire?

I admire people who are hardworking, ethical and have a strong conscience to do business in the correct manner.

Looking back are there things you would have done differently?

Yes. In the past I have not always explored the information or opportunities that I have been presented with sufficiently. I have also learnt not to accept things at face value and to recognise potentially difficult situations – enabling me to put appropriate strategies in place.

At times, I have also been over trusting in business relationships and have since learnt to set in place more formal structures. As the business grows, it’s important for VIDA to maintain our ethos and personality without becoming too corporate.

What defines your way of doing business?

I like to think that we are honest, open, highly motivated, energetic, and results orientated. These values are what we always strive to demonstrate on a daily basis and are the bedrock of our business.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out?

I would encourage them to give it a go and follow your inspiration and dreams. Yes, it will be hard work but the whole journey of being in business and growing it, is a powerful education process. Being self-employed for the last 15 years has been both formative and positive for me. While there have been some highs, there have also been some lows but I wouldn’t change any of it.