Cyber Security: Career, Eligibility and Job roles


There is hardly any other IT profession in the world that is as respected and valued as cyber security. Cyber security professionals are the ones who keep our digital world safe every day and night.

It is because of these people that the rest of us can use our devices and the Internet to carry out our daily tasks and business operations without worrying about cyber risks. The job of a cyber security professional is not easy as they have to be available day and night to fight cyber threats and respond to cyber crime. Read this to know about this career, the eligibility and the job roles.

Eligibility for cyber security

Becoming a cyber security professional means that you will have to acquire the certifications that allow you to work professionally in the InfoSec sector. For every field in cyber security, there are a number of certifications that you can pursue. For example, to become an ethical hacker, you can pursue the CEH certification, to become a computer forensic expert, you can pursue the CHFI certification.

Certification criteria – Students need to clear the corresponding certification exam by the certifying body. For example, for the CEH certification, you will need to clear the CEH exam.

Exam criteria – To be eligible for these exams, you need to complete the corresponding training or have some experience in the IT or InfoSec sector. For example, you need to complete Certified Ethical Hacker Training to be eligible for the CEH exam. Every exam has a different criteria, so it is recommended that you check accordingly.

Other eligibility criteria – There is no other eligibility criteria as such. You must have the necessary certification to get a job as a cyber security professional. If you are applying for a mid-level job, then you will need some experience as required by your organisation.

Job roles of cyber security professionals

The job of a cyber security professional is very exciting and satisfying. You can explore plenty of paths in this field as computers are a whole world in itself. From networks to databases, to clouds and Internet of Things, it is quite a never-ending world in terms of opportunities and explorations. Here are some of the job roles that cyber security professionals can acquire.

Ethical hackers
Ethical hackers perform mock cyber attacks i.e. authorised and ethical cyber attacks against a system to identify various security issues. You can learn ethical hacking online through verified training centres and attain your certification.

Penetration Testers
They perform tests against a vulnerability or a set of vulnerabilities to assess the damage it can cause on an organisation.

Network security specialists
These professionals specialize in network security. They understand network architectures, intrusion detection systems and provide overall safety in an organization’s digital networks.

Incident handler
These experts are called upon in a cyber emergency as they provide response strategies in case of a data breach, ransomware attack and other cyber attacks. They are tasked with minimising the damage and the spread of malware in the infected system. They also help in identifying and safeguarding potential targets.

Forensic analysts
The services of forensic analysts are required when there has been a cyber incident that needs to be investigated or when lost or damaged data needs to be retrieved. Computer forensic experts find out evidence against cyber criminals and help provide justice to cyber crime victims.

The career of a cyber security professional is pretty amazing and rewarding. With the rising demand for these experts and the numerous benefits offered in this profession, It is truly a career worth pursuing.