What are the positives of outsourcing your IT?


As companies rely on IT more than ever before, many organisations outsource their IT. Many have been doing it for years already.

It is not just the larger corporations that are benefiting from a more flexible approach to IT, either, because numerous SMEs and even sole traders find that outsourced IT means their strategic business goals can be met more easily. If you are considering sub-contracting all or part of your enterprise’s current IT requirements in the near future, then what are the positive outcomes you can expect?

Economies of Scale

To begin with, one of the most attractive things about outsourced IT support today is that it is cheaper to run than an in-house team. Not only do you not have to have so many IT professionals on your company’s payroll but you can avoid all the costly recruitment and retention costs associated with such a specialist skillset. Indeed, many businesses choose to outsource their IT requirements on the basis that they will no longer need to train or offer continuing professional development (CPD) to their own IT people, thereby saving thousands without falling behind in a fast-moving, technologically led world. Simply put, because outsourced IT companies have many clients, all their customers should benefit from a straightforward economy of scale.

Pick and Choose Your Services

Sometimes, thinking about outsourcing IT requirements compared to running them in-house is a false choice. You can do both. If you have the in-house skills in one area but need help in others, then why not outsource those which you require only? Equally, if your business wants to keep certain processes under its wing for reasons of confidentiality, then it can do so while benefiting from expertise in other areas from a third-party supplier.

Data Regulation and Information Management

Let’s face it – compliance with information management is a minefield these days. Even though the UK is leaving the EU, the UK will still need to comply with the GDPR. With an outsourced IT arrangement, you can always be sure of maintaining best practices with data management, ensuring your cyber security is tight and that no unwelcome fines are levied due to data breaches.

Constant Support

Although some outsourced IT platforms provide office hours support only, many go the extra mile and provide round-the-clock assistance. This is essential for any business that relies on its IT services to work day and night, either because back-office systems run during periods of low network demand or because they trade and provide services in multiple time zones. Don’t imagine outsourcing your IT to experts in their field means compromising on when and how you can get help.

Greater Objectivity

Investing in IT systems, from network infrastructure to simple software licensing arrangements, means thinking strategically. You should, of course, focus on your current needs but always maintain an eye on future requirements, as well. All too often, in-house IT professionals will have their favoured methods or suppliers, albeit sometimes for good reasons. However, this is not always the objective approach that growing businesses need. Since outsourcing your IT services to a dedicated team of experts means you will obtain a more balanced perspective on your requirements, so you will be able to make better-informed and more strategic decisions about where and how to invest in technology.