The strategy for an executive woman to keep a nice work-life balance


From executive women’s point of view, the myth of work-life balance between personal life and profession is not a bed of roses.

That’s why it is still practically inconceivable yet today.

“Work-life balance issue is seen related mostly to executive women and no permanent cure is there except a fine balance.”

Quite often, It becomes really very difficult for the executive woman to have harmony between feminism and work-life balance.

Regrettably, we belong to a society where a personal decision on the part of a female is, at times, considered as an act of rebellion. Finding the level of privacy assigned to them at home almost zero, most of the executive women become very much depressed to know that menfolk feel it their right to make an opinion against their choices.

Keeping in mind the abovesaid scenario, we have found  loads of significant ways that you, as an executive woman, would need to follow when you try to harmonize your profession and your family simultaneously. Here we go with the five greats of them.

You Need to have a Supportive Family

For women, just like men, family is significant and they may feel like they have let down their expectations. The job of a mother is, no doubt, of the prime most importance, but a successful executive woman also has to pay heed to her professional liabilities simultaneously. She can’t do so easily if her family members do not cooperate and share some of her responsibilities to run the family system. So, you always need a special support from your family to be successful in the issue of work-life balance.

You Should Talk With Your Partner

What you need to do is to talk with your partner about your arrangements regarding running the family system. This is specially true before you plan to get pregnant and even before your commitment with your professional duties. If you are not in agreement, possibilities are you are not inclined to.

If he thinks your place is at home while you intend to return to the workplace as quickly as time permits, you need to communicate about it! On the other hand, if there results no settlement unfortunately, and the things are going to be worse in the form of breaking up relation, you must get assistance from prime lawyers to seek guidance.

You Must Harmonize Profession and Family

Executives are ever ready to create a balance between their profession and family by dividing their time equally and respectively. Likewise, you must put your best efforts  in this regard. For example, you may make the best use of dinner and sleep time to concentrate on yourr youngsters.

But, you must also make effort to wind up working late evenings and early mornings to frame the time. Also, you must ensure yourr availability on both the sides whenever you get a chance to invest time into these two poles apart things.

Try Your Best to Share Responsibility

The childcare program is attached to the caretakers or babysitters, after-school projects,  grandparents, etc. But even caretakers can’t be expected to perform all the everyday duties of parenthood. Working long hours implies that you are missing out some important family activities or school events.

Be Compatible with your Family Members

You need to figure out solutions for the problems collaborating with your family members. In this regard, you need to be persuasive and expressive to a great extent. Compatibility with the family is the key factor to create a successful balance between a profession and a family.


A study conducted last year indicates that 63% of women discover success in the likelihood to accomplish and keep up a decent work-life balance.