The Psychological Effects of Medical Negligence


Medical negligence is clearly defined as a legal action against a health practitioner or organisation that has not fulfilled its professional obligations in a satisfactory, compliant way.

It could be a mistake made during surgery or a dismissed symptom concern; the scope is wide. If there was an injury or misdiagnosis, there is a case to be brought forward and investigated. The psychological effects of medical negligence also spread far and wide, and this post explores the topic further.

Dealing with the Physical Pain

Physical pain often has a deep impact on mental well-being. When it is experienced as a direct result of mispractice or negligence, the injury or root cause of the discomfort will naturally have a negative impact. Prolonged pain at any level whether intense or subtle often leads to anxiety, depression, general discomfort, and a decreased quality of life. There is an increased likelihood of substance abuse patterns, for instance, alcohol, and a rise in anger and stress levels too.

PTSD Potential

PTSD is likely to present in some victims of medical negligence. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an intense kind of anxiety disorder suffered by people who have been through a personally stressful experience with negative repercussions. It is most commonly associated with war veterans, but it can affect anyone who has lived through trauma. Medical negligence is definitely classed as a traumatic event because of the reach of possible consequences.

Clear Barriers to Re-establishing Trust

The ability to engage with healthcare in the future may be impeded as a direct result of the negative event. Whether PTSD is present or not, therapeutic paths may be necessary to enable a patient to take back control over their health. It could lead to potentially fatalistic delays in necessary care, and it all stems back to the one devastating experience of negligence. When trust is lost in the professionals that are there to look after you, it is extremely hard to re-affirm that relationship in a positive light.

The Mental Toll of Resolution Seeking

Some people decide to explore the path of compensation. Compensation is necessary when there has been a loss of income, negative impact, or some other form of barrier to quality of life as a direct result of medical negligence. The mental toll is a lot to carry, while the results are worth the energy. Finding a reputable professional to guide the process, like,will inevitably make the whole process easier to manage, and is worth the exploration for anyone in this space.

Loss of Independence

When independence and autonomy are lost, quality of life arguably deteriorates. Patients facing big changes will feel this burden more intensely; for instance, some medical negligence leads to the loss of limbs unnecessarily. These events are significant, and there will be an impact on daily routine and capacity, especially during the healing and readjustment period.

Medical negligence can happen to anyone. Mistakes can be made anywhere. Dealing with the aftermath is scary, but there is always a way forward even if life looks a little different after the dust settles and things start to move on.