The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) expands and penetrates virtually all areas of human life: home, work, transportation, roads, sales, telephony, etc.
Let’s approach an area where his intervention is particularly important and interesting: the Entertainment Industry (EI), reviewing some of its most significant examples.
Key Insights
– The use of AI in the entertainment industry began with games such as cat, tennis and chess.
– Thanks to the widespread use of AI in video games they have become a symbol of the development of AI itself.
– In sports, the use of AI results in a better evaluation of player performance and therefore in their best performance. Analyzing athletes is not as difficult as it was a few decades ago. Sports clubs benefit from this situation.
– The world of entertainment and sports where AI is applied, offers various opportunities for business investment.
In the origins and development of AI, entertainment has played a very important role. Recall that in 1948 the British mathematician Alan Turing laid the foundations for a computer to play chess against a human, which years later – the end of the 1950s – led to the creation of more sophisticated and solid programs.
From then on, the AI applied to this game reached a high level and generated unusual competencies such as the one that occurred in 1966, during the Cold War, between the American computer IBM 7090 and the Soviet computer M20, the latter being the winner.
Over time the computers programmed to play the intelligent sport continued to develop until in 1996 an IBM computer, the famous Deep Blue, defeated the world chess champion of that time, Kasparov. Using a machine, AI had overcome and defeated its creator, man.
Video game
It is in this area of EI where AI deploys all its creative force and technological diversity, to the extent that videogames have largely symbolized the development of AI for decades, not only of EI but of the entire AI universe.
The story is long: from the first automated games, such as cat, tennis and Space War in the 1950s and 1960s, to The Legend of Zelda in 2017, through Galaxy War, Pacman, Tetris, Mario Bros, the games Game Boy, Sim City and many others, the evolution of video games has been a constant.
The AI used by video games began as a simple and elementary competition that evolved in a dizzying way from an increasingly sophisticated application of AI: introduction of color and sound, record of score in competitions, simulated mobility, controls by levers, use of real videos, consoles that use bits, scaling, third dimension, virtual reality (immersion sensation) and more. In video games, AI seems to have no limit; However, there are those who notice a certain stagnation both in the use of technology and in the contents of the games. Can AI continue to develop in this area?