Telemarketing Philippines


Telemarketing may be one of the most misunderstood business processes today. A lot of us have been on the consumer end of this process, fielding calls that are trying to push us into a sale, and most of us have not enjoyed that.

However, it is an essential function of business, and when it is done right it’s a vital part of a healthy sales organisation.

Telemarketing is defined as the marketing of goods or services by means of telephone calls, typically unsolicited, to potential customers.

In simpler terms, telemarketers move prospects further through the sales pipeline over the phone. With the world more dependent on remote communication than ever, running this process out of call centers is ideal.

“After you generate leads, your sales operation has to get to work on nurturing those leads and ideally moving them closer to a sale. This requires a unique skill set mixed with hard work. Telemarketers have to constantly reach out to prospects, have conversations with them, handle objections, hear the pain points, and offer solutions that can help them,” says Ralf Ellspermann, CEO of PITON-Global, a leader in high-performance telemarketing outsourcing in the Philippines.

“Every organisation is different, so how far down the sales process a telemarketer will nurture will vary. They typically have to make hundreds of calls a day and have conversations with many different prospects. This means they need to perform at a high-volume and they need to be skilled,” he adds.

When you need a labor force that can produce at a high-volume and you need them to be skilled, it makes sense to look at outsourcing. If you outsource business processes to certain areas of the world you get quality service at a fraction of the cost.

“When you make the leap into Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), you will be hard-pressed to find a better outsourcing destination than the Philippines,” says Ellspermann.

Outsourcing can come with a lot of complications and difficulties. Most of these issues will be tied to where you outsource to, which makes that choice an extremely important one. These issues will include communication issues, infrastructure issues, and overall quality of service.

The Philippine telemarketing outsourcing industry is built to avoid these issues and eliminate these concerns for their partners and to do so while lowering their costs.

On the communication front, they have a few major competitive advantages. First, the Philippines has strong ties to the western business world. As a former US territory, the nation has a close cultural affinity and English is one of its two primary languages. This makes communication with the West and the global business community seamless.

On the other side of the communication equation, they have a well-built infrastructure that allows for reliable communication. With a well-designed grid that supports their telecommunication network and reliable transportation and utilities, the Philippines offers what a lot of other countries cannot.

The last advantage of the Philippines as a telemarketing outsourcing location is the talented, educated, and driven labour force. As one of the biggest industries in the country, telemarketing jobs are some of the most sought after, meaning you get the best of the best when you outsource here.

Telemarketing outsourcing to the Philippines comes with a wide array of companies to choose from. Of those, it’s hard to find a better choice than PITON-Global. The company has spent the past two decades gathering the best talent in the area and successfully partnering with high-growth startups and established brands from all around the world.

Knowing what you know now, it’s time to reach out today and get started. Telemarketing outsourcing to the Philippines is a winning choice.