Rustam Gilfanov is Entrepreneur and Venture Partner of the LongeVC fund


Rustam Gilfanov is an IT businessman, a co-founder of a large IT company, and a Venture Partner of the LongeVC fund.


Rustam Gilfanov was born on January 6, 1983 in the village of Basim in the Perm Territory. The future businessman’s mother was a teacher, and his father worked in military structures. As a child, Rustam liked mathematical sciences and science fiction.


After having obtained his secondary education, Rustam Gilfanov became a student of the Udmurt State Institute. In 2005, the future IT star got a law degree and eventually mastered another profession – Insolvency officer. As a student, Rustam Gilfanov took an active part in various events and conferences.


The time period when Rustam Gilfanov was a student coincided with the boom in the development of the Global Network. Obtaining a law degree, the future investor showed his interest in information technology, which ultimately pushed him to the idea of ​​creating his own IT startup. However, first, Rustam Gilfanov gained tremendous experience in working on several unique international IT projects. Strong knowledge in jurisprudence greatly contributed to the Rustam’s confidence.

Having been supported by his partners, in 2006 Rustam Gilfanov announced the foundation of a small IT company that is now deservedly called as one of the largest players in the market for software developers for the financial sector, gaming and marketing industries. The company has created over 100 unique gaming applications and opened offices in Malta and Cyprus. Productive work was also carried out in Ukraine and Latvia.

Since the company foundation, Rustam Gilfanov has seen a new format of modern entrepreneurship in his brainchild. The main emphasis was and is being made on providing high quality support to young talents and creating the most convenient conditions for the staff growth. For 5 years the number of the company staff has grown up to 1,000 employees, where each employee obtained all opportunities to elicit their working potential.


Rustam Gilfanov is a benefactor and constantly integrates projects aimed at developing corporate social responsibility into an IT company. Rustam makes a certain emphasis on creating education projects for young people.

One of the most famous charity projects of Rustam Gilfanov is LakiBuks that was supported by the Ya – Maybutne Ukrainy Fund. The main goal of the project is to support talented authors and to promote non-fiction in the Ukrainian language for teenagers.

The creation of LakiBuks was announced in 2017 at the Book Arsenal festival. A year later, the project was a partner in the program for children of this most important book festival for the whole Ukraine. LakiBuks visited many Ukrainian and European cities.

The LakiBuks project started with the cooperation with several libraries for children located in the eastern Ukraine. Currently, it is represented by 200 libraries located throughout the country. One of the project achievements is the distribution of more than 5,000 teenage books on popular science topics in libraries in 2018. Firstly books are distributed to libraries located in villages of the Southern and Eastern regions that lack non-fiction in the Ukrainian language especially acutely. Rustam Gilfanov says that the LakiBuks project is one of the most significant for him.

The greatest possible restoration of the children’s library in Kyiv and its transformation into an original library hub is an important initiative actively supported by Rustam Gilfanov. The idea was brought to life together with the Biblioteky Maybutniogo project. The library has a computer class, where visitors can take programming courses from leading employees of the company. Subsequently, this, once planned as a one-time project, covered the whole of Ukraine.

For a long time Rustam Gilfanov has been actively working with the famous Ya – Maybutne Ukrainy Fund sponsoring a lot of social initiatives. In addition, the businessman provides financial support to the families that have found themselves in a difficult life situation. He also provides single mothers with charity assistance.


Some time ago, Rustam Gilfanov announced that he was going to cease his operating business and focus on investing in the most interesting IT projects for him in the field of streaming video, financial technologies and gaming that had been actively developing in recent years.

Rustam Gilfanov is married and raises his daughter together with his wife.