Perks of using cloud telephone systems

Cloud Telephone

Technology is shifting the communication industry in directions we never saw coming. Now we can achieve tasks in a matter of minutes if not seconds.

And the hardware used to accomplish these tasks has been reduced by half and, in some cases, almost entirely through integrations. Cloud telephony has opened doors for this reduction to be possible. And in this piece, we shall be discussing the perks cloud telephone providers like RingOver have brought forth for business all over the globe, so let’s begin.

They are easy to set up

Whenever a new concept is introduced into any business, the number one concern of administrators is the setup of the new system. Does it cost a lot? Is it complicated? And is it worthwhile? Well, with cloud telephony, the answers to these queries are, yes – it costs but not a lot, it is not complicated, and it is indeed worthwhile. As long as you have the right person for the job, you are good to go. The initial investment might be substantial, but it saves you money and reduces the volume of hardware as well as their repair cost down the road.

The system is scalable

The old versions of telephone systems were restricted in location and functionality. If a phone line was meant for one person or a set group, it would remain so. And if a new member was to join the team, it would require extra resources to make the adjustment. But, these limitations are eradicated with cloud telephony. At the touch of a button, the system can be configured to include an additional member and remove another if the need arises. The scalability is profound and fundamentally limitless. Upgrades and downgrades are quickly processed, making it very helpful in an office setting.

The system is flexible

The features included in the cloud telephone system allow its owners to be flexible. The
scheme can be integrated with other features such as employee punch-in systems, sending official
emails, setting up meeting dates, notifying relevant parties, and so on and so forth. This flexibility allows the business to stay online and reachable to clients even after working hours. As a result, customer service is improved immensely.

It makes communication easier

Using the traditional PBX system had so many drawbacks. One being the hurdles to cross over in order to make a call outside of your jurisdiction –  whether the office, city or even country. Long waiting times rendered the overall call experience exhausting and the workflow routine harder. With cloud telephone, however, workflow has been significantly streamlined. Today, having a video or phone conference call with your colleagues off-site is as easy as A-B-C. And it has been made possible with cloud telephony.

You save a lot

Previously, you had to pay for individual services, and this amounted to a lot of money spent. With cloud telephony, you pay one provider company for all services received. With this, you save on time,
resources, and eventually money.

Cloud telephony has, for sure, revolutionized how business is handled nowadays.