Noise pollution, a recurring problem


Living a big city allows people to have a more cosmopolitan life, they get the latest technology first, the have cultural and science centres too, along with more appealing educational and job opportunities compared to the countryside or small towns.

But not everything is as beneficial as it sounds and that’s why more and more people are moving away from cities after they get tired of how hectic it could be. A big metropolis brings with it some difficulties or a high price to pay (besides the fact that they are more expensive) such as noise pollution.

The excess of noise affects people’s health and wellbeing, and some studies indicate that constant exposure to noisy environments may cause stress, depression, sleep disorder, loss of appetite and difficulties to concentrate.

During the past few years, some noise reductions products have being developed in order to make our lives in the city more bearable, those are the Noise Barriers which, the same way as a line of trees, they help protecting people from unpleasant noise in their house or workplace

These days is not enough just to have a good material to diminish the noise, but it is also required a thorough study of shape and design of these panels and they must isolate the noise while absorbing and protecting the source and receptor of it. This has allowed Maccaferri to be at the top of high quality providers of noise barriers for roadand rail side.

They are well aware that Acoustic barriers are used to minimise noise pollution from one place to another. Regulations to minimise the environmental impact of the noise and visual pollution created by infrastructure and industrial works in residential areas has generated a growing demand for acoustic barriers and visual screening while maintaining minimal impact on the urban landscape. They combine the attributes of having a small footprint even in high structures and creating acoustic barriers and walling systems designed to vegetate.

That’s why when you think of isolating noise in the street, think Maccaferri.