How to Relieve Lower Back Pain in Bed


For every person, an essential daily activity is a night’s rest with a full-fledged sleep. It is the key to good health and high efficiency, but not in lower back pain.

An unpleasant, painful feeling torments both during the day and at night, not giving you a good night’s sleep. The causes of pain can be various diseases and back injuries, pathological processes. However, it is necessary to organize a night’s sleep in such a way as to reduce pain and ease the condition as much as possible.

Causes of Pain: Fatigue, Injury, Illness

In relatively healthy and young people, fatigue and muscle overstrain are the most common cause of unpleasant sensations in the lower back. Then, after a short rest and taking a warm bath, the discomfort passes. Suppose it is a severe and sharp pain in the lower back that has arisen acutely over time. In that case, the causes may be musculoskeletal system diseases, spinal injuries, or problems with peripheral nerves.

Possible lower back pain of a primary nature usually causes diseases associated with skeletal muscles or the spine. It includes osteochondrosis with its progressive degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. Another cause may be a disease such as spondyloarthritis – joint lesions between the vertebrae.

The causes of pain of a different nature are secondary. They can be provoked by scoliotic deformity of the spinal column, infectious diseases localized in the bone tissue of the spine, for example, osteomyelitis or tuberculosis lesion. Often, pain is a symptom of a spinal injury, even if it seems insignificant – jumping from a height or falling on your back threatens fractures. Many other reasons can lead to back and lower back pain, which a doctor can understand. The patient needs to relieve his condition during treatment, especially during rest or night sleep.

Organization of Rest Against the Background of Back Pain

To give rest to tense muscles and ligaments, you should have a high-quality sleep to reduce pain. However, against the background of lower back pain, it is not easy to find a comfortable position and a bed. Suppose soreness and discomfort have become almost everyday companions. In that case, a mattress change is good, and often even bed models – feather beds, soft sagging mattresses, and iron bunks with a sinking bottom fall under the ban.

A bed for a good rest should have a rigid frame, and if there are problems with the skeleton, a wooden shield is a base, and a mattress is on top. Under the body’s weight, there should be no deflections of the ground due to soft materials, especially in the lower back area. But no less harmful is sleeping on the floor or on a bare wooden board without a mattress at all. The sleeping place should take physiological bends along the spine to relieve the muscles.

Special orthopedic mattresses or a waterbed can provide a whole night’s rest with a density regulator. Sleeping on such a mattress for lower back pain helps to take the most relaxed position for the back, allows you to relax tense muscles, and relieve their reflex spasm. You can discover some new things about mattresses for lower back pain.

Poses That Give Relief of Lower Back Pain

To relieve or eliminate lower back pain, you should choose the correct position in bed. Sleeping on your stomach leads to muscle tension and increased soreness, so you should sleep on your back with your knees slightly bent. It reduces the stress of the broad muscles of the back. The pillow should be under the area of only the head and neck. The back and shoulders should lie on the mattress. The extension of the knees when sleeping on the back provokes pain in the lower back. Therefore, a roller can be under the area of the popliteal pits. It will help to relax the muscles and relieve the tension of the tendons.

The embryo pose helps reduce lower back pain: you need to lie down, turn on one of the sides, pull up your knees, and bring the femoral area to your stomach. In this position, the spine bends in an arc, the muscles relax, and there is no pressure on the intervertebral discs. For convenience, it is worth putting a pillow between your legs. It will relieve the lower back and thigh muscles.

Sleeping on Your Stomach: Little Tricks

If it is possible to sleep only on the stomach due to injury or other circumstances, improvised devices can relieve the pain. Under the inguinal zone and pelvis area, you can put a roller, a rolled-up bath towel, or a small pillow. The lumbar area mustn’t bend forward, straining the muscles and squeezing the discs. The use of tight belts or corsets for the lumbar region can help, and if they are not at hand, a fast tightening with a towel with tying a knot in front just before bedtime will help. It will help keep the lower back stationary and prevent it from leaning forward when lying down. There are some other little tricks on how to sleep well with lower back pain.

How to Get Out of Bed in the Morning with Pain

In addition to the fact that a whole night’s sleep is essential, it is also necessary to get out of bed after waking up to not increase the pain. After you wake up, you need to stretch the muscles of your legs and arms, bending and unbending them several times while lying in bed. Then you need to slowly, if the dream was on your back, roll onto your stomach, lowering one leg and leaning on your knee, smoothly transfer the weight of the whole body to the area of the arms and the supporting leg. Then rise slowly, without sudden jerks, focusing on both arms and legs, thus unloading the lumbar region. It is important to remember that sharp bends and turns provoke back pain. Smoothness and slowness in movements are necessary.

You can get up by rolling on your side, bending your knees in parallel, lifting your body on your hands, leaning on the corner of the bed while gradually lowering your legs from the bed. The back should be straight when lifting. It is forbidden to get out of bed. Lifting your back and bending your lower back will lead to a sharp attack of pain.


Of course, only sleeping in the correct position will not eliminate soreness in most patients. There are some nice articles with symptoms that show that it is necessary to consult a doctor. You should treat against the background of proper rest and sleep.