How to Get More Instagram Followers in 2022 | Effective ways


Instagram is growing every day, we see new active users on Instagram every day. With the growing popularity of Instagram, a lot of people have started to find this platform lucrative.

Instagram is not merely a social media site but it is also a growing marketspace for producers and buyers to meet. A lot of new businesses have flourished ever since they joined Instagram.

With growing Instagram popularity it is essential to know the new tips and tricks to grow. Every few months Instagram comes up with new updates that are beneficial for everyone who wants to boost their Instagram followers.

Today, we will talk about some incredible tips that can help you get more Instagram followers in a short time period.

Tips To Gain Instagram Followers 

If you too want to grow your Instagram then here are some tips that can help you grow Instagram followers.

Optimize your account

Your Instagrams bio says a lot about you, the first step to gaining followers  is setting up a smart and short bio. With growing times it has become essential to optimize your account to get more followers.

It comes as no surprise that your Instagram bio and image help build your “brand identity”. Everyone puts a link in their bio these days, this link helps in optimizing your account and will attract more traffic and engagement.

This link can be of any product page, hashtag or campaign that is being reflected in your work. You can also change the link with time.

Consistency is the key

No doubt, being consistent with your work and brand is essential in gaining Instagram followers. It is essential to keep track of your work and to do so you can come up with a monthly calendar.

A monthly calendar can help you segregate your content and the time you can post it. Do not spam your followers by posting content after content, schedule a time for every post.

Many people are not aware but there are specific times that can generate more engagement and traffic on your posts. Monday to Friday it is ideal to post between 11 Am and 2 Pm or after 6 Pm. on weekends you can post anytime between 12 Pm and 3 Pm or after 8 Pm.

Collaborate with brands

As an influencer, it is important to collaborate with like-minded brands and other influencers.  This works well for both the parties, collaborations end up being a great way to not only boost engagement but also followers.

Collaborating with brands and hosting giveaways for your audience is also an exciting way to increase your following and you can get real instagram likes as well. Giveaways create the buzz and the more people participate the more engagement you get.

This is also a great way to bond with your audience, giving back in a small way possible.

Post content that generates traffic

One of the most important factors to keep in mind when you want to get real Instagram followers is to create content that your followers like.

Yes, keep in mind the type of content your followers react to the most is the one that will help you gain more followers. Reels for instant are a huge hit, so make sure you are using the trendy music and transitions to create reels.

Even the smallest detail can make a huge difference may it be filters, captions, content genre, or posting times. Make sure you are aware of the new Instagram trends at all times and follow the trends to grow Instagram followers.

Respond to your audience

Your followers or audience can make or break you. A lot of people do not pay emphasis on actually interacting with their audience and hence end you losing a lot of followers.

Instagram has become a huge market space, new businesses should interact with their customers on a regular basis. Reply to comments, messages, and emails received from your followers. This will build brand satisfaction.

Get on your stories whenever you get time, post-Q&A, and go live these little things can help you get Instagram followers with ease.


Your content says a lot about your brand, make sure you are following your genre and using Instagram statistics to plan your content. You can easily gain Instagram followers with the tips we have mentioned above.

Pay attention to your followers and with their shares and likes, you will be able to grow.