It is a common assumption that most of the people who use Instagram, hope to become successful Instagrammer.
Back in the day, Instagram is known to be a place for aspiring photographers. The content filled out on Instagram was mainly to attract photo enthusiasts. Although there are some other apps that can get pictures noticed then why people are so inclined towards this app. Because it has evolved with time and managed to bring the tempting feature for every person out there.
Top Instagrammer influencers like David Beckham, Gareth Bale, Emma Watson, Zoe Sugg, Zayn Malik have millions of followers. They have made a big name in Britain. Some micro level Instagrammers buy Instagram followers with a hope of being Insta-famous. Well, you can be an inspirational Instagrammer.
“All it takes time and persistence”
How people go from zero to hero:
You might have seen, some people that have gone zero to hero in no time, while some had to work for decades to get the stardom or fame. There are certain best practices that can help to grow faster.
Want us to reveal the secret? Stay tuned and read on to know the magic tricks that can get anyone into the spotlight.
To be famous you need to answer the simple question “What you want to be famous for “
Are you funny and make people laugh or have a great taste in fashion or have expertise in any other sector and make other people a better version of their self?
If you don’t have any above talent, then it is hard to convince anyone to stick around. You can also buy Instagram followers to boost the reach, yet it won’t give satisfying results. With the continuous struggle and finding true passion can help you to go a long way.
Why Insta-fame is so hard:
How cool it sounds! A luxurious life, being adored, and meeting with other inspirational people, traveling the world. Well, all this and many other perks are attainable when you become a successful Instagrammer or influencer.
The unstoppable popularity along with billions of users collectively heightened the competition and made Insta fame more strenuous than ever before. Majority of the people have exactly the same instant fame plans as you have in your mind. However, you need to come up with a brand or talent in the first place. if have nothing, you can reshare the evergreen content to catch the interest of the audience.
Recognize Any Talent/Purpose:
Firstly, question yourself what your passion or motive is. You can be more successful when you make an account and share content you are passionate about or have the real talent for.
What are the available options to present yourself as “An interesting guy” is a topic for another time but being genuine and creative is all you need to start your career?
As they say “You need to be a voice, not an echo “, in case you are unable to find out your true talent then make sure to choose something original, entertaining and attention-grabbing.
Include friends and family in the journey:
I know it’s highly strung when you put yourself in front of an unknown audience. To avoid this nervousness, make sure to add friends and family, who love the way you are and give you the strength and confidence to grow in your journey. Moreover, they can also refer you to their friends and this is how your audience gets expand without investing any hard-earned money. Those first followers are crucial and assist to develop a rhythm of how things will go in the future.
Build a unique Hashtag:
Reputed brand along with their followers use specific Hashtags that distinguish them from rest of the people and helps in creating a small tribe. Creating your own particular hashtag makes the overall aesthetics more professional and interesting. The hashtag could be anything like brand name, movement, product, or amalgamation of words related to your niche or sector.
Use a variety of hashtags more creatively:
The advice in relation to the hashtag usage is highly contradictory. Some people argue to use fewer hashtags so you won’t look spammy. While some may suggest using 30 hashtags the maximum limit allowed by Instagram. Here are tips to use them like a pro:
- As per recent stats, using more than 11 hashtags gets more engagement and reach.
- Keep them relevant to the content and frequently change them to get a bigger audience.
- Never use popular hashtags like #pepsi #love #hate instead to use those with 90k to a million post shares.
Make a professional bio and set a unique theme to stand out:
The best way to make a professional Bio is by employing AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) Write it in such a way that instantly grabs the reader’s attention and spice it up by using the personalized hashtag.
In order to create an upper edge, choose a theme, either a color pallet or photo style and stick to it. Don’t imitate others rather be a brand and create a contemporary style that better describes you
Be consistent and build a stunning feed:
Consistency matters the most If someone aiming to be popular on Instagram. Make sure to post 2-4 times per day. if it is stressing, gradually begin and post 2-3 times in a week.
Instagram is all about beautiful content and pictures. Never post anything you aren’t satisfied with or an image with poor resolution. Create from scratch or amend the existing content in such a way that it flaunts your brand.
Shout-outs for Shout-outs:
Exchange shout-outs with accounts that have the same size and niche. Reach out to maximum accounts to see whether they are available for S4S. if it does not work; the paid shout-outs surely can go a long way. The rate for paid promotion starts from as low as $5 and can go into thousands. Although it is recommendable to pay by engagement not the number of followers.