How do you make driving safe if you are a starting driver? These useful habits of experienced drivers will help you

Being a novice driver in the UK is quite a challenge. Strict rules, complex road junctions and a host of weather hazards are all about the challenges faced by any driver in the country.

Being a novice driver in the UK is quite a challenge. Strict rules, complex road junctions and a host of weather hazards are all about the challenges faced by any driver in the country.

However, as practice shows, it is possible to cope with it all if you learn in time from drivers who have been behind the wheel for a long time. Today, we’re going to break down some sound advice that will help a newbie overcome the initial experience of driving in the UK as easily as possible. Not to be unsubstantiated, we asked experienced drivers about what a novice driver should definitely keep in mind while on the road.

Tip one: don’t race

This point seems simple and straightforward enough, but experienced drivers say that as soon as a novice starts to feel more confident behind the wheel, he or she occasionally forgets that speed limits are put in place not only to “tame” drivers, but also because they are logical from the point of view of the terrain. Thus, in populated areas the speed limit is usually 30 mph (48 km/h), and on motorways it is between 60 mph (97 km/h) and 70 mph (113 km/h). Anna Smith has been driving on London’s streets for seven years and notes that motorists are increasingly being fined for speeding.

“I wouldn’t say there are more so-called riders, no. The whole point is that it has become easier to control the situation. Accordingly, I would advise newcomers, at the very least, to be more concerned about the safety of all road users and not to speed. Besides, I don’t think any of them would want to pay a fine and get penalty points, or spend hours in lessons about the dangers of speeding.”

Tip two: roundabouts aren’t so scary

Seymour Parker, who works for a courier service says: “When I first started driving I was terrified of roundabouts. However, over time I have learnt some important rules: when approaching a roundabout you must give way to vehicles already on the roundabout, and only when there is a safe gap in the traffic flow should you start driving. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a hurry or not. It is always better to wait. Also, always make your intentions known when leaving a roundabout.”

Tip three: take care of your pendant

Olive Clayton, an avid traveller from Swindon, said:

“The state of the roads at the moment is causing me some frustration. My friend Max recently told me that he had almost lost control of his car because of a broken suspension arm. You’ll agree, it’s not funny at all. That’s why, my main message for beginners is to always keep an eye on the condition of the car. Believe me, maintenance is far from a guarantee of no breakdowns. They happen in between maintenance.”

A few words about the suspension arm itself, so that it is clear why its breakage is so terrible. The part is a suspension component of the car that connects the wheel to the chassis. The work of the suspension arm is to hold the wheel in the vertical plane and provide the necessary rigidity of the suspension. As the vehicle is driven, the wheel is constantly subjected to shocks and bumps in the road, and the suspension arm plays an important role in absorbing these shocks and keeping the vehicle stable. Thus, a faulty part leads to at least expensive repairs (rapid tyre wear, failure of other suspension elements, etc.) and at most to an accident.

Tip four: traffic priority is important!

Many experienced drivers often grab their heads when novices don’t have a comprehensive understanding of traffic priorities on the road. Harry Boyd, a Liverpool driver with ten years’ experience advises beginners:

“Please remember that cars approaching from the right usually have priority at junctions without traffic lights or signs. However, always use caution and yield when necessary.”

A few conclusions:

In fact, all of these tips, and any others, boil down to one thing: don’t break the rules of the road and be extremely careful behind the wheel and you’ll be fine. It is logical, because mutual respect and following the rules is the key to order in any matter.

More tips:

Information about suspension arm –

Tips for Driving In London & Busy Towns –