How Do You Hire React.js Developers for Your Startup?

React.JS is one of the most used frameworks in mobile and app development.

As per the Stack Overflow survey, 40.14% of programmers reported using React in 2021. Many of our developers at Reintech also use React to build fantastic mobile and web apps.

As a result;t, businesses have a high demand for React developers. That creates competition in the market and a shortage of adept React professionals.

The situation is much more challenging for startups that have limited resources and budgets. Yet, they cannot afford to recruit an inferior developer as it will hamper the project’s success.

Therefore, startups need a focused approach to hiring React.JS developers. Here is a complete guide on how to hire a React developer to join your development team.

Establish Your Needs

React developers come with varied skills and experience. Therefore, you need to choose a programmer that suits your needs.

For example, a junior React developer can create your MVP successfully. On the other hand, you will need an experienced developer to create a seamless UI.

You need to recruit the right person for your role. Otherwise, your project will suffer, or you will pay more.

For example, a senior developer will charge more even for a minor task like creating an MVP.

Moreover, your budget will also play a role in choosing a developer. You cannot expect to hire a senior programmer with the salary of an entry-level developer.

Note Down Your Developer Responsibilities

Your developer may be part of a big development team. They may need to handle specific workflows rather than trying to build the whole app.

Therefore, every React.JS developer should have defined roles and responsibilities. Establishing the responsibilities will also help you create a perfect job posting to attract the right talents.

Determine How You Want to Hire

There are several ways to hire a React developer. You can publish a job posting in your local newspapers to invite resumes from local candidates. It can be a good approach if you rely on in-office work where physical presence is necessary.

However, local recruiting is time-consuming and requires a significant budget. Therefore, you may look at other ways of hiring your developers. You can use the strength of freelance markets places such as, which can help to make a perfect match between project and specialist.

Hire Remote Developers

74% of professionals want remote work

to become a norm across industries. As a result, many companies have shifted to a hybrid working model combining remote and in-office work.

Development is a remote-friendly process. Programmers were working remotely even before the pandemic.

As a result, remote React developers can be suitable for startups. It takes a bit of time, but you are more likely to hire leading talents.

Moreover, you may even pay developers less than in countries like the USA or UK.

Choose Freelance Programmers

Freelance developers may be a suitable choice for startups. You can rely on zero contracts, flexible terms, and affordable rates.

Moreover, there are several freelance platforms that connect you to a talent pool of React professionals.

However, the freelance hiring model is not reliable as there are no fixed terms. Your freelancer may also go off the radar without notice and hamper the progress of your project.

Hire From Recruiting Partners

There is a shortage of capable developers in the development industry. Moreover, most of them are already employed and are not available for hire.

To fill this gap, a few unique recruitment agencies have come up. For example, Reintech allows businesses to hire only developers. We don’t confuse you with professionals from other industries.

Moreover, we work with developers from Eastern Europe to save costs as living here is affordable. However, you can expect the same level of quality and proficiency in English.

Best of all, you don’t need to screen your developers like in other hiring processes. Reintech screens every developer and assesses their track records to offer clients complete peace of mind.

Moreover, we connect you with the right developer as per your needs within 48 hours. You just need to tell us your requirements, and we will take care of the rest.

In addition, we are always here to manage the relationship between you and your developer. You can fall back on our support team any time when you face any issues.

Most importantly, we allow our developers to negotiate terms directly with recruiters. We don’t try to interfere with the process nor charge any commission from our developers.

As a result, our programmers love to work with us for our transparent terms and pricing. They can also work on their terms and enjoy a friendly work environment.

In addition, Reintech takes care of all the legal formalities and nuances of the professional relationship. We also manage payroll, payments, and all associated processes.

Clients are free to enjoy the deliverables as per their expectations.

Conduct Thorough Interviews

Recruitment agencies like Reintech save recruiters’ time by pre-screening candidates. We also find the right person that aligns with your roles and responsibilities.

However, you still need a few steps to ensure you hire the right person. The most important is conducting a sound interview round to pick the best talents for your needs.

Businesses that hire local professionals may arrange in-office interviews. They should also have a pro developer or a person with adequate technical knowledge on the interview board. They will be able to pinpoint any mistakes or wrong answers the candidate says.

Remote hiring can make use of a range of tools to conduct thorough interviews. One of the most popular ways is to arrange video interviews using video calling apps.

Moreover, recruiters can rely on many online resources to conduct interviews for hiring remote developers. Currently, online pair programming is a popular choice to test the proficiency of a developer.

Here, a recruit codes side by side with a pro developer who keeps a check on the mistakes. Additionally, businesses may arrange coding challenges or present demo projects to test developer skills.

Some online platforms even allow hackathons to hire remote React Developers.

Look for Essential Skills and Qualities

Your project may need a specific set of skills and characteristics. In addition, your developers may have to perform additional roles since you are a startup.

You may look for some of the characteristics below:

  • Ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Working under pressure and handling stress
  • Ability to coordinate across time zones
  • Self-motivated and passionate about coding

Recruiters may be able to discern these qualities during the interview. Additionally, the behavior of the candidate may give additional clues.

Provide a Great Onboarding

A proper onboarding process can have a great impact on employee satisfaction and retention. Additionally, your onboarding starts with your recruitment process.

As a result, make onboarding an integral part of your hiring process. Send your recruits company details, performance infographics, and information on the work vulture and organization.

The idea is to make your developers feel welcomed from the first day so that they love to work at your company.

Final Thoughts

Startups should hire React.JS developers carefully, keeping their needs and budget in mind. They can work with reputed recruitment agencies to expedite hiring and access leading talents. Additionally, choose a developer with the required skills to ensure the success of your project.