How Are Companies Focusing On Commercial Sustainability?


As climate change poses an ever-growing threat, commercial businesses have started to prioritise sustainability in their practices and interior design.

Using sustainable materials and creating net-zero buildings are key steps, as well as meeting global sustainability goals such as the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Additionally, employees increasingly expect companies to prioritise commercial sustainability. By doing so, companies can reduce their environmental impact, attract and retain top talent, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability to stakeholders and customers.

Focusing on sustainable materials & net-zero buildings

When focusing more on commercial sustainability and sustainable buildings, companies have been looking towards reducing their carbon footprint and contributing to a sustainable future. Companies can achieve this by using renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines, as well as implementing energy-efficient technologies like LED lighting, insulation, and smart controls. By focusing on commercial sustainability, companies can also adopt eco-friendly practices such as recycling, reducing waste, and using sustainable materials. These efforts not only benefit the environment but can also attract customers who value socially responsible businesses.

In the hotel industry, net-zero was once a hotel design concept but has now been brought to life by room2 Chiswick in London. This net-zero hometel is the first hotel in the world to fully account for its own carbon footprint. Room2 Chiswick uses 89% less energy than other hotels and focuses on sustainability throughout its design. In its interiors, Room2 Chiswick uses a variety of sustainable materials including 80% recycled cotton for some soft furnishings, bespoke handmade bedroom door signs, and corridor carpets made from recycled fishing nets. As well as this, the hotel also uses three-in-one recycling bins in rooms, solar panels on the roof, and also uses ultra-energy efficient lighting.

When it comes to sustainable interior designs, both commercial and residential spaces have been prioritising eco-friendly materials. Natural materials, such as stone and wood, are trending right now and are being used more and more in commercial and residential bathrooms because of their durability and timeless appeal. Some of the popular residential bathroom trends for 2023 also include using eco-friendly fixtures and materials as sustainability remains to be a focus when remodelling. Room2 Chiswick also focused on using 100% recyclable steel enamel in their bathroom designs too.

Changing business practices to achieve commercial sustainability goals

With Earth Day just happening this April, many companies are reminded about their efforts towards creating a better planet for the future. Whether it’s a small company change or rethinking entire business practices, many companies are now striving to get on board with the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations to do what they can to make the world a greener and safer place by 2030.

Even starting right now, companies can get on top of their plastic use to help save the planet. A reminder of Earth Day may cause companies to rethink their company packaging and analyse just how much plastic is being used in their business. Even simply refusing to use single use plastics and choosing reusables can help to reduce plastic pollution around the world. Less Plastic outlines why businesses should use less plastic and highlights how reducing plastic usage can help businesses to save money, attract eco-friendly customers, and receive recognition for adhering to green practices.

Many employees now have sustainability expectations

While customers value commercial sustainability and eco-friendly practices when purchasing, many employees also now value how the company they work for acts. According to research a few years ago from JLL, results showed that workplace changes are being dominated by employee expectations for sustainable solutions. Results from their survey showed that 50% of those asked said that they would prefer their future employer to be a leader in sustainability.

Research such as this not only highlights why employers should consider their employee expectations on sustainability, but also how landlords and investors should be focusing on creating new net zero buildings for workplaces. Even providing flexible working options such as working from home can also help to cut employee commutes and cut down carbon emissions.