Getting to Know You: Joclyn Van Orden, Founder of Ending Sciatica

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Joclyn Van Orden was born in White Lake, Michigan. At the age of 19, she moved to Los Angeles, California where she began a career as a personal trainer.

From there, she extended her expertise into holistic nutrition, before discovering the benefits of myofascial therapy. After receiving a certificate in myofascial therapy, she opened her own clinic, Ending Sciatica.

Ending Sciatica specializes in treating areas traditional massage therapists do not properly address, as well as reversing suboptimal results from physical therapists or chiropractors. The clinic emphasizes healthy diet and daily exercise to avoid injury, and also to preserve mobility well into the future. However, Ending Sciatica’s treatment regimen is not for those who lack drive or commitment. To that end, Joclyn Van Orden crafted the clinic’s mission statement as “Anyone who wants myofascial work must be ready to do the work consistently. Consistency is key.” Recently, Joclyn moved Ending Sciatica’s headquarters to Las Vegas, Nevada.

When not working, Joclyn Van Orden enjoys going to the park with her son and browsing Pinterest.

What do you currently do at your company?

I work at a private studio location with post-surgery clients who are immobile. The sessions are between an hour to 90 minutes. I provide meditation chairs before the session, a heated table to relax the body during, and water with a mineral vitamin to help vacate lactic acid in the body afterwards. I also provide basic amenities like showers and tea-heated towels.

What was the inspiration behind your business?

When I was 24, I had a really bad case of sciatica from driving in Los Angeles traffic all day. Once I was able to get rid of that, I knew why my personal training clients weren’t achieving the mobility they desired and why stretching wasn’t enough to address their issues. Once I got my license, I started practicing with those clients and transformed my business into myofascial therapy.

What defines your way of doing business?

It’s not for me, it’s for my clients. I want to help people regain their mobility. I’m not trying to sell anything or force appointments. I give clients the freedom to come back whenever they want to or whenever they need to.

What keys to being productive can you share?

It’s important to have a daily routine that keeps you grounded and oriented. Even if it’s something small, like making your bed every day, you need to be organized to have a successful day. That’s the main key from my point of view.

Tell us one long-term goal in your career.

I’d like to get into energy coaching. Everything I’ve been through personally and that I’ve been through with my clients and is pointing me in that direction. I think I can turn it into a whole new business, and through that, help even more people than I already am.

How do you measure success?

I measure success by how fulfilling my job is. People fear leaving their guaranteed income in favor of pursuing something they love as a vocation, and they make comparisons between entrepreneurs and those who work a traditional nine-to-five job, but the income will eventually come if you start your own business doing something you really love. For me, it’s not about income, though. The question is whether or not I’m satisfied at the end of the day.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

I’ve learned not to want to please people so much. Because of that, I’m able to deal with people better on a daily basis, no matter where I am or what the situation is.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

You’ve got to keep up your appearance and your personal health. When you look your best and feel your best, you deliver your best energy to people and that makes a really big impact. If you treat yourself well, people will treat you well.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

I love to go to the park with my son and just be outside where I’m not sucked into the vortex of technology that we’re all immersed in as a society. There are other, more important things in life than technology.

How do you maintain a solid work life balance?

I meditate twice a day. If I can’t center myself, everything feels out of control. I recommend it to everyone. Meditation helps people to realize answers to all manner of life’s questions and to provide motivation to pursue and accomplish good, healthy goals.

What is one piece of technology that helps you the most in your daily routine?

I use Pinterest to select the things that I want to feed my mind and that I want to learn more about.

What is one piece of advice that you have never forgotten?

Opinions are like bodies, everyone has one. It’s okay to differentiate, and operating in this world is easier once you understand that.

What is one piece of advice you would like to leave our readers with?

Once you’re okay with being alone, you become very powerful. A lot of us don’t realize we’re projecting on people or that we’re seeking validation, but once we stop all of that and learn to be okay with being by ourselves, we find peace.