From a Gummy Smile to a Million-Dollar Smile


It’s amazing what a dental procedure can do to you!

Every smile is beautiful. It lights up the face and warms up an individual’s personality. However, at times, you may want to improve your smile a bit.

For example, you don’t want those gums to be visible in a big way when you smile. They overshadow your smile and make your teeth appear smaller. This is commonly called a gummy smile and it can make many people uncomfortable about how they look.

According to dentists, a gummy smile poses no health hazard; nor does it hamper the functioning of the teeth or gums in any way. It simply gives you a less appealing smile with all those gums showing.

To combat this problem, you can visit one of the best private clinics in London and undergo gum reshaping.

What is gum reshaping?

Gum reshaping is a simple dental procedure that involves the removal of gum tissue in small sections using a laser or a scalpel. This is a painless procedure and is done under local anesthesia.

One of the leading private dental clinics in London, located at the prestigious Wimpole Street, carries out conscious sedation that makes the patient feel sleepy and he or she does not feel any pain during the procedure.

In some cases, the bone beneath the gum is also contoured. This, too, is a straightforward procedure.

The procedure has a quick recovery time. Gums heal quickly, although they may feel a bit uncomfortable initially, but the pain subsides soon. The dentist may prescribe painkillers, but you may hardly need to take them, if you are able to endure a bit of discomfort.

Some patients may need veneers or crowns for a complete smile transformation.

Gum reshaping, when done in a skilled manner, can make your gums look even and your teeth look elongated. Earlier, they appeared smaller. This evens out the entire look of your gums and teeth, creating a beautiful smile.

Remember, gum reshaping is an entirely cosmetic dental procedure. It is not a necessity in terms of health. So, undergoing this procedure is completely a personal choice.

If you are looking forward to transforming your smile, you can contact one of the leading private dental clinics in the UK and book a consultation

Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, you need not always live with what mother nature gave you. You can transform your look and feel better than before. Well, you are smiling already!