Can You Make Money With IM Academy?


The foreign exchange, digital currency, high frequency, and e-commerce markets offer ample opportunity.

However, for individuals with little to no experience, jumping into one of those markets without a solid understanding of how they work can pose some considerable risks.

Familiarizing yourself with how the markets operate, including some of the available techniques you may want to use, can be extremely helpful.

While no educational program could—or should—promise to provide guaranteed results, finding a marketstrategy course that will provide solid, comprehensive instruction is important.

Truly Learning—Not Just Listening To—Information

A surprising number of financial courses charge a hefty fee but don’t actually offer much useful information—which is one of the reasons Chris Terry, a former construction worker and self-made millionaire who’s taught trading strategy since 1998, and his wife, Isis De La Torre, founded IM Academy.

Designed to demystify the complexities of the markets by teaching market strategy concepts in an easy-to-comprehend format, IM Academy utilizes case study-based learning, one of the best ways to obtain a profound understanding of a subject, in tandem with dynamic instruction involving statistics, opinions, and tips—in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Czech, and Italian.

In addition to its valuable instruction from more than 100 industry experts, IM Academy also provides access to a robust community where members can get live, real-time support, mentorship, and other benefits that will give them the ability to grow both personally and professionally.

IM Academy’s specific course offerings include:

FRX Academy—providing instruction on how to understand currency movements, different types of chart analysis, how foreign markets function, and some of the top market strategies in the foreign exchange industry, which is valued at $5.1-trillion-per-day according to

HFX Academy—training that prepares members to navigate the high-frequency markets, a fast-paced environment involving different currencies, indices, bonds, metals, and stocks.

DCX Academy—educational resources to give members the confidence to participate in the growing digital currency market, which is currently approaching a $1 trillion value, according to Coindesk, by helping them learn how the market operates, the specific currencies it encompasses, and what they need to know to regularly use digital currencies.

Elite Academy—offering comprehensive access to the FRX, HRX, and DCX academies and daily education to supply members with the necessary knowledge to take advantage of some of the largest financial markets in the world.

ECX Academy—instruction to help individuals who hope to become a successful e-commerce entrepreneur and capitalize on what Forrester Research estimates is a thriving $9 trillion online retail industry. The academy includes experience setting up and running a business—including learning how to effectively promote products and services on social media and increase and scale business operations.

Taking the Next Step

Whether you’re interested in pursuing a better understanding of e-commerce or other trading markets, with today’s busy lifestyles, convenience can be key. Because IM Academy’s instruction is offered 24/7 through its online educational platform, students can complete courses whenever it works with their schedule.

IM Academy essentially serves as highly accessible one-stop shopping to strengthen your trading and e-commerce skill set—and because affordability has been a goal since the academy’s inception, most of its courses are priced at less than $200 a month.

To date, more than 300,000 students have enrolled in IM Academy to obtain market and e-commerce insight.

If you’re interested in becoming more self-sufficient and building a better life, getting started is easy. Don’t hesitate to take action and enroll in one of IM Academy’s forex, high frequency, and digital currency market or e-commerce programs today.

Note: IM Academy is an educational forum for analyzing, learning, and discussing general and generic information related to markets and strategies. IM Academy does not provide personalized recommendations or views as to whether an approach is suited to the financial needs of a specific individual. Before deciding to participate in the forex or other markets, you should carefully consider your objectives, level of experience, and risk.

Most importantly, do not risk money you cannot afford to lose. You should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with, or independent of, research and verify any information you find on the IM Academy website.