Alpha Capital Anstalt UAVS

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The corona epidemic, Covid-19, broke into our lives without any warning. The virus has changed our lives without recognition in all aspects of our life.

It took a long time until medicine was able to develop a vaccine. From the first outbreak to the present day the effective way to block the spread of the virus is by social distance and even closures. Creative ways are needed to deal with all the new challenges we face. One of the challenges is dealing with solitary confinement. Alpha Capital Anstalt UAVS is part of the solutions.

Assisting in solitary confinement

Alpha Capital Anstalt UAVS is actively involved in the world of unmanned aerial vehicles. In other words, drones. It invested in AgEagle, a company leading commercial drone technology focused on deliveries for commercial purposes. But while developing a product for any purpose, it is of course also used for other unexpected needs.

Dealing with the challenges of the corona the drones are offering an excellent solution in assisting the authorities to check whether insulators are in their home. The drone received a person’s address, reached the window of his house and while hovering, the patient presented his face to the drone so the policeman could see him on his monitor from a distance. The drone also photographed his ID card to be included in the database. That already was tried and showed great success. The isolated family in the future will also be able to receive its medicine and meals from a drone. Keeping maximum social distance.

Future of drones

Alpha Capital Anstalt UAVS’s goal is that the drones under development of the company will make package deliveries to Internet customers. Alpha Capital Anstalt could not imagine that the investment would be so useful so soon. It now waits bringing medicine to an isolated patient door. very soon.

It is not far from today that all deliveries will also be able to reach our home via drones. Investment in technological advancement that is widespread is the specialized occupations Alpha Capital Anstalt. A Stable, strong, and successful institutional investing company.