7 Top Tips to Start Saving Money Early for Millennials


Millennials are a generation of digital natives who understand the importance of being frugal with money.

However, with the rising cost of living, it can be difficult for millennials to save money. These financial difficulties are amplified by millennials often having student loans to pay back and are likely struggling to find affordable housing. Fortunately, there are several ways for millennials to start saving money as soon as possible. The sooner you start saving money, the more you will benefit long-term. Starting small is key to creating significant returns later in life. In this article, we will cover seven top tips to start saving money early for millennials so that you can come out ahead in your financial future.

7 Top Tips to Start Saving Money Early for Millennials

Millennials are a generation of digital natives who understand the importance of being frugal with money. However, with the cost of living continuing to rise, it can be difficult for millennials to save money. These financial difficulties are amplified by the fact that millennials often have student loans to pay back and are likely struggling to find affordable housing. Fortunately, there are several ways for millennials to start saving money as soon as possible. The sooner you start saving money, the more you will benefit in the long term. Starting small is key to creating big returns later in life. In this article, we will cover seven top tips to start saving money early for millennials so that you can come out ahead in your financial future.

1. Change your mindset about money

Money does not equate to success or happiness. The journey, not the destination, makes us who we are. Millennials often have a “grass is greener” mentality when it comes to money, particularly when it comes to the amount of debt, they are in. It is important to remember that money is not everything. When you are young, you have the opportunity to shape your financial future. Start with your mindset as it will be key to setting yourself up for success.

2. Set up a Lifetime ISA account

A Lifetime ISA account

is a government initiative that allows you to save £4,000 a tax year (or £33 a week) towards your first home or to access from your 60th birthday. This is a great way to start saving when you are younger. The best part is that the government will up your contributions by 25% each year until you turn fifty, which means that you can save more than normal. Lifetime ISA rules apply, so ensure you check these out.

3. Stop wasting money on things you do not need

We all have that friend who buys the newest phone every yearor the TV that is bigger than the wall on which it is mounted. Start with small changes, and make sure that you resist the urge to spend on frivolous items. Consider purchasing used items or borrowing from friends rather than making a purchase you will regret. Find out what you actually need and want, and shop accordingly. If you want to make sure that you can save money each month, make a budget and find out where your money is going.

4. Automate your savings

This is a great way to ensure that you are consistently saving money. Set up an account that will automatically transfer a portion of your income into savings each month. You can do this through payroll, or transfer funds from your checking account to your savings account each time you get paid. This is one of the most effective ways to make sure that you are consistently saving money each month without having to think about it.

5. Find the best opportunities to invest

Investing is key to building up a large amount of money in your savings. Start looking for the best opportunities to invest as soon as possible. There are lots of guides online that can help you make the most prudent investment decisions. Make sure you are diversifying your investments so that you do not put all your eggs in one basket.


The most important thing to remember when it comes to saving money is to start early. You can make small changes to your lifestyle that will make a substantial difference in the long run, giving you the financial freedom to do what you want with your life. Saving money is not always easy, but if you prioritise it, it can make a significant difference in your future. If you are a millennial, now is the best time to start saving money, so you can come out ahead in your financial future. Follow these top tips to get started, and in no time, your savings will add up.