7 tips to keep your home emergency-ready


All homes are vulnerable to disaster; from severe weather events, earthquakes, fires or terrorist attacks.

While we all hope for the best, preparing for the worst the better, smarter alternative. Having an emergency plan will reduce the negative impact of these events, and increase your family’s chances of pulling through unscathed. These tips will help you put together a reliable emergency plan:

Install all necessary detectors and smart alarms

More often than not, the disasters come from within the home, and the right signals will enable you to take control of the mishap before it gets out of hand. Place water alarms under bathtubs, taps, sinks and all other places where water can overflow. These will sound off if they detect any moisture. Also, install battery-powered smoke detectors in the kitchen and near your bedrooms, strive to have at least two on every floor. You should also install Carbon Monoxide detectors near your bedrooms to warn occupants in case the lethal gas accumulates inside the house.

In case of a fire

Fires are the most common home disasters, which come with devastating effects. Be sure to have multi-purpose fire detectors inside your house; on every floor and one especially in the kitchen. Get A:B:C extinguishers that can put out three kinds of fires; ordinary combustibles, those from flammable materials, and electrical fires. Be sure to have them serviced often and recharged when their pressure goes down.

Also, install sturdy escape ladders in every bedroom, and practice setting them up and using them for when you and your family will have to escape by climbing down to safety.

Build an emergency kit

An emergency kit will come in handy when there is a sudden power outage or an earthquake where you will need to run out of the house. Pool a first-aid kit, at least three days’ supply of water, non-perishable food, and a list of important, reliable contacts. Other things you might want to include are a battery-powered lantern or torch, blanket, multi-purpose knife, some cash at hand, phone charger, nylon rope, and baby wipes. Place these supplies in a robust, waterproof bag and put the bag in a common, easy to access place.

Stay alert

Most severe weather events are predictable, and the local radio stations will usually broadcast warnings before they strike. Be especially alert during specific seasons, and have your emergency kit and contacts ready.

Have a plan beforehand

If a disaster strikes during the day, you and your family may be separated, and you need to designate a meeting area where you can assemble.

Keep your valuables safe

Have an up-to-date inventory of your critical documents and valuables. Have backups, photos and duplicate copies of insurance policies, certificates, wills, mortgage documents, and other sensitive documents, then store them in a safe. The best home safes are fire and waterproof, and hard, if not impossible to crack.

Establish a relationship with your neighbors

Interacting with your neighbors ensures that there is someone you can trust to keep an eye out for your property and rely on, in case your house is inaccessible.


While all these tips will keep your home emergency-ready, communication is also essential to ensure that the measures in place work.