Have you been desperately searching for a job but failing to hear back from employers?
You might be qualified, but your application is turning people off.A large part of getting a job is having a compelling resumé. If you think your resumé might need an overhaul, this article is for you. These are three ways to perfectly tailor your resumé.
Keep it a reasonable length
A resumé shouldn’t be a short story. It’s a misguided notion that a longer resumé is a better one. If you’re listing every educational and work experience you have, no matter how irrelevant, you’re going to come across as someone who wants to waste the hiring manager’s time.Your resumé should generally be no longer than one-page long and definitely no longer than two pages. It should only go up to two pages if you have no way around it. The more positions you add to your resumé, the more you need to shed older ones. Hiring managers are busy and will appreciate that the value of their time is being considered when you present your resumé.
Use templates
One of the biggest hurdles to overcome with designing a resumé is formatting. A candidate’s chances of being hired can be dashed in seconds when an employer witnesses the poor formatting of their resumé.If you have even a rudimentary understanding of design, you’ll be able to avoid making your resumé off-putting. However, if you’re not terribly confident, that’s what templates are for. LiveCareer has resume templates that can make it a breeze to design a resumé. Find a template that would be harmonious with your resumé.Even if you can’t find the perfect template, you can find one that’s close to what you want and adjust it as necessary. Your resumé immediately gets a boost when you show that it’s been designed with care. Put as much time into finding the right template as possible.
3. Make it relevant to each position
The point of a resumé isn’t to just say what your experience is. It’s to say how your experience qualifies you for the position you’re applying for. Before you send out your resumé, consider how it can be updated for that particular position.Consider what skills need to be emphasized based on what the listed requirements are. Since you’ll likely be sending in many resumés in tandem with cover letters, you want the two of them to be in sync and ideally perfectly tailor your resumé dependng on each role. While your resumé needs to be relevant, you shouldn’t make any outlandish claims in order to get hired. Professing expert knowledge in a software that you’re a novice in might get you an interview, but you’re going to be exposed as a fraud soon enough. A resumé might not seem like it’s that important. After all, isn’t it just a piece of paper detailing your experiences and credibility? Well, you’re going to have a hard time establishing credibility if you can’t formulate a compelling resumé. By taking the time to revamp your resumé, you can greatly increase your appeal to employers.