Wellness in the workplace is a topic of conversation around many board tables.
From small businesses to international corporate companies, the question on the lips of every modern CEO is how do we improve wellness in the workplace, attract and retain talent and increase productivity and profitability whilst doing so.
Recent research by Sapio Research in conjunction with Wellness Together showed that for many companies having a wellness culture was actually very beneficial, with a direct link between mentally and physically fit employees and profitability.
So what really makes the difference to an employee and what does that mean for business?
The research showed that some of the main factors that contributed to a high productivity in the workplace were actually fairly simple things like being encouraged to get fresh air throughout the working day, having access to healthy snacks or even having access to a window or a quiet place to work.
But it isn’t just about changing the physical attributes of the working environment, it is also about creating cultures and environments that are conducive to commercial success.
Businesses in today’s world of innovative, fun, quirky startups with new millennial led cultures must consider every component in the mix if they are to get wellness right.
Whether that be building structures, physical furniture or a new culture around the flexibility of where and when an employee can work, today’s employees want more than just a 9-5, they want a job where they feel empowered and one that allows them to have a healthy work/life balance.
And this isn’t just a win, win for the employee, the research study also revealed that companies who are perceived as innovative and promote an active wellbeing culture are in fact more profitable. Companies with a high level of flexibility and agility were also found to have 6 per cent higher gross profit margins, on average, than companies with low flexibility and agility.
It also became clear that higher performing companies are more likely to have a wide range of facilities in place for their staff and include features that promote wellbeing such as quiet and flexible working spaces, digital collaborative working tools, a variety of desks that offer sit down or standing options and the ability to grab some fresh air during working hours.
There is of course no quick fix or simple answer for businesses when it comes to this complex environment but it is clear that those businesses that spend time and effort improving the wellness in their workplace will be those that not only keep their employees happy but also grow a more productive and profitable organisation.