There are now seven social classes, which one do you belong to?


The study shows social classes have become more blurred than the traditional model of social class, developed over 50 years ago, with job status, income, education and culture all playing a part, reports CityAM.


But just which social class do you belong to? Using the study, conducted by professor Mike Savage of the London School of Economics and Political Science on behalf of the BBC, you can now find out.

In terms of where people are based, there is a distinct trend across the country.Around six per cent of the UK population can be classed as “elite”, which have high levels of all three “capitals” – economic, social and cultural.

Yet, now all of those who live in the south can be classed as elite. Pockets exist, such as in Swindon or Slough, where there are low proportions of elites. Still, wealth is not found far away in these areas.

The study also finds that people in high-salary jobs, whose parents were in high-salary jobs, get paid more for the same job as someone whose parents were not in such high-salary jobs.

“There are various possibilities as to why those from senior management family backgrounds have higher pay,” Savage said. “It could be either because of the support they were given to get better qualifications, or because strings were pulled, or because they have more confidence.”

Still, if one thing is sure, there is a new class system for the 21st century, and while lines are blurred, class status remains prevalent.