UK will remain in ‘full lockdown’ for up to 18 months, says Health Minister

Nadine Dorries

The UK’s Health Minister Nadine Dorries said the UK will remain in a “full lockdown” until a vaccine has been made, which could be up to 18 months away.

In a very unusual break away from Downing Streets official line, Dorries has placed the government into chaos as the lockdown will not be lifted until the end of 2021.

Dorries who herself tested positive for Covid 19 at the early stages of the outbreak said on Twitter, “Journalists should stop asking about an ‘exit strategy.’

“There is only one way we can ‘exit’ full lockdown and that is when we have a vaccine.

“Until then, we need to find ways we can adapt society and strike a balance between the health of the nation and our economy.”

Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan said this is “astonishing” and he described it as a remarkable break from previous government statements.

The Health Secretary has said that the UK lockdown will not be lifted until it is safe to do so.

Sky News questioned Ms Dorries about the validity of her claim and if she had made a mistake and she replied by Tweeting: I say it as it is. I speak in politics as I do in life. If I need to apologise, I won’t hesitate. Best thing here, is for me to refer back to this tweet, at the right point down the line. I really did not misspeak. Please see my last tweet for clarity for those who need it.