The Small Business Charter


The charter has come about after a survey of just over 1,000 small business owners around the country  revealed that UK businesses want better rates from banks and receive help with cash flow issues and greater support in order to prosper.

According to the YouGov report commissioned by Intuit, Small Business Britain today faces a number of business challenges that offer both real opportunities and real threats to the success of its members.
In response to the report, Intuit has launched its Small Business Charter.

The Charter gives small businesses across Britain a channel through which to call on the government, elected bodies, banks and the wider business community to support their success and prosperity over the coming decade.
The reports findings show that from cash flow to late payments, from supporting employees to specific tax policies, small business owners are in agreement over the support they need to prosper in 2010:

  • 45% of all respondents feel that banks need to offer better rates for small businesses
  • 35% of small business owners want interest cuts to be passed on in full
  • 84% feel that their ability to provide a more personal touch with customers is a key advantage over their larger competitors
  • 40% call for a reduction in employers’ national insurance contribution


The Small Business Britain campaign, which also has advisory board of leading business owners and business commentators including Business Matters managing editor Richard Alvin, is designed to help small businesses find real solutions to the challenges they face and businesses can sign up to the Charter at to show their support for the campaign, which has leading business owners 
“The run up to the UK general election is a critical time for the future of UK small businesses,” says Pernille Bruun-Jensen, Managing Director of Global Small Business at Intuit. “Now more than ever, small business owners need the support of their Government, their banks and their peers if they are to successfully take advantage of the economic recovery. The Small Business Britain campaign gives these businesses a voice and a channel through which to share experiences and build success together.”

Key pledges incorporated in the Charter:

  • Small Business Britain is dedicated to committed and personal customer service
  • Small Business Britain is dedicated to getting paid for the goods and services it provides
  • Small Business Britain will help all members manage a positive cashflow to support and facilitate their business success
  • Small Business Britain will provide a great place to work for its employees
  • Small Business Britain needs dedicated and specific tax policies
  • Small Business Britain requests specific policy changes from the UK banking industry
  • Small Business Britain requires more dedicated customer support from the UK banking industry

Sign up to the Charter at