Optimism Soars Amongst Smaller Manufacturers

That’s on the back of small and medium-sized manufacturers saying that total orders and output rallied in the three months to April.

Numbers employed also enjoyed a sharp boost, and employment is expected to grow at an even stronger pace during the next quarter.

The survey of 366 SME manufacturers showed that domestic orders rose strongly, whilst export orders bounced back from a fall in the previous quarter. Both are expected to see robust growth in the next quarter.

Output grew solidly for the third consecutive quarter, with output expectations for the next three months at their highest level since January 1995.

Firms’ investment intentions for buildings in the year ahead are flat, but spending for plant & machinery remains firmly positive, at its strongest level since July 1995.

Katja Hall, CBI Chief Policy Director, said: “It’s very encouraging to see record levels of optimism among smaller manufacturers, on the back of robust growth in domestic and export orders, and a leap in output levels.

“Hiring is also on the up, and is set to strengthen as we look ahead into 2014.

“As confidence beds in, we need to see more firms exporting their products to high-growth markets across the globe, giving a healthy and sustainable boost to the UK’s recovery.”