Experts Bill Morrow (Angels Den), Luke Lang (Crowdcube) and Richard Alvin (Audere Capital) will discuss the best funding options for SMEs and they will also be joined by Matt Perkins from Freeagent, who will be discussing what steps businesses can take to keep the accounting process as painless as possible, along with looking at how the cloud in changing our relationship with business finance.
Rebecca Jones of Our Hub commented: “Over the last few years we have seen many more finance options become available to Startups and SMEs, however, it’s a complex area and for companies to make the most of the finance out there, they need expert advice.”
“The Our Hub experts will have a panel discussion that highlights the key areas of alternative finance to help guide SMEs through the difficult finance and funding landscape.
“We are extremely lucky to have two of the leading authorities on funding joining us and I’d encourage all start-ups and SMEs to come along to this event and take the opportunity to find out what finance will work best for their business. It’s a free event so there’s really nothing to lose.”
Taking place from 6pm-9pm on the 26th of November the launch of Our Hub, with its finance focus, will be held at Club Workspace in London Bridge. For your free tickets click here.