New figures reveal UKs regional entrepreneurial hotspots


Research from the national enterprise campaign shows 526,446 businesses were registered with Companies House, beating the 484,224 businesses recorded in 2012, and 440,600 in 2011.

Top performers on the regional entrepreneurial map according to post code include Greater London with 136,939 businesses registered beating the rest of the country by far – with its nearest rival Birmingham at 16,281 and Manchester at 11,765.

Emma Jones, co-founder of StartUp Britain said: “We’ve been looking at these figures carefully for three years since the campaign began and it’s clear the UK’s start-up community is growing year-on-year.

“These figures are raw and hot off the press but the new regional statistics reveal a power house in the South East and London – which is what we were expecting – but there are also impressive pockets of entrepreneurial activity in the North West, South Yorkshire, the Midlands and Scotland.”

According to Government statistics, micro and small businesses represent 95 per cent of all companies and employ more than seven million people in the UK.

The figures come direct from StartUp Britain’s Daily tracker, an online tool which reveals the number of businesses registered with Companies House on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.
