The International Trademark Association (INTA) will celebrate World Intellectual Property (IP) Day on today by hosting a series of global events spanning three continents.
In recognition of this year’s World IP Day theme, Powering Change: Women in innovation and creativity, INTA events will focus on powering change and honoring the “brilliance, ingenuity, curiosity, and courage of women who drive change in our world and shape our common future.”
“By sharing the story of my own career as an example and displaying strong leadership in my role as INTA President, I hope to inspire women in our industry and show that, ‘If I can do it, you can do it,’” said INTA President Tish Berard. “Leading by example is a compelling way to demonstrate that women in IP should take more leadership positions and become more involved in their firms and in their specific business domains. Education is equally important, as women should be able to effectively communicate their value to their firms and to others.”
From Brussels to Brunei and beyond, INTA will be partnering with government officials and IP offices at events throughout the world in recognition of the impact women are making as game changers in IP. To celebrate World IP Day, INTA will be participating in a panel discussion on April 27 in Brussels sponsored by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The event will include representatives of the U.S. Mission to the European Union, European Commission, European Patent Office, World Customs Organization, and the Digital Leadership Institute.
Also on April 27, INTA will participate in a conference in New Delhi hosted by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry that hails innovation and creativity among women entrepreneurs.
And in Brunei, Laos, Myanmar, and Singapore, INTA is supporting a series of events with other organizations and government bodies to mark World IP Day, including one held on April 24 in Singapore which brought together panels of corporate legal counsel, young entrepreneurs, and vibrant start-ups who are collectively powering change through innovation and creativity.
In Laos, World IP Day is part of a week-long celebration at the IP Fair 2018, organized by the Lao Women’s Union and the Ministry of Science and Technology. INTA will participate in IP Fair 2018 events highlighting the achievements of women leaders in business and innovation.
In Washington, D.C., INTA will participate in two events, both of which are open to the public. On April 25, in conjunction with the Congressional Trademark Caucus, INTA will host a sports industry briefing and cocktail reception on Capitol Hill with the Global Innovation Policy Center.
The briefing and reception will feature remarks by Congressional Trademark Caucus Chairs Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Vishal Amin.
The briefing will include a panel discussion moderated by Kristi Dosh, a sports business reporter and ESPN contributor, with leaders in sports and e-commerce, including representatives from groups such as Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Basketball Association, NHL Enterprises, L.P., and IMG College Licensing.