Formal training tops list of job requirements for young people

When questioned, 39  per cent said they would expect to be offered formal training as part of a job. However, just 17 per cent said they would consider apprenticeship opportunities.

Work/life balance was considered more highly than salary and career progression when choosing a job, with 33 per cent agreeing with the statement that it is most important when finding a role. Only a quarter said that career progression was the most important, (while just 18 per cent agreed with the statement “salary is most important to me when choosing a job”.

The results show 26 per cent of young people polled currently working said they found it difficult to get a job after leaving education and 50 per cent of full-time students said they are concerned about finding a job when they leave education.

Looking specifically at industry, retail was top of the list of sectors where 18-24 year olds have actively searched for a job role, followed by hospitality, travel and leisure, and education 18 per cent.

Louise Arnold, Director of Human Resources at Mobile Mini, said: “Apprenticeships offer a fantastic opportunity to learn while you work so it’s disappointing to see just 17 per cent of the 18-24 year olds polled said they would consider applying for an apprenticeship role; this is even more surprising given 39 per cent would expect to be offered formal training as part of a role.

“We’ve worked with apprentices for many years at Mobile Mini and found it a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Apprenticeships are a fantastic way of getting hands on industry experience while working toward qualifications.”

Read more findings from the Unexplored Opportunities report on the Mobile Mini website