Carrie Fisher’s death will trigger biggest ever personal accident insurance claim


Fisher died on December 27, aged 60, having suffered a heart attack on a flight from London to Los Angeles.

The actress, who rose to prominence playing Princess Leia in George Lucas’ original 1970s Star Wars trilogy, had reprised her role in last year’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

And she is set to have major role in Star Wars Episode VIII, which will be released next year, with filming completed before her death.

However, Fisher was also due to have a starring part in Star Wars Episode XI – scheduled for release in 2019 – which is now expected to be substantially re-written in the wake of the actress’ death.

Disney are yet to comment on how the planned plot will be affected.

The ensuing insurance payout is thought to be the market’s biggest-ever single personal accident insurance claim, according to trade publication The Insurance Insider.

Fisher, who found worldwide fame at the age of just 19 in the 1977 original, led a turbulent life punctuated by battles with substance abuse and bipolar disorder, which is thought to have led to the surprising policy.

It is said to be underwritten by US-based company Exceptional Risk Advisors, who describe themselves as ‘experts in insuring complex human capital risks for highly successful individuals.’

Fisher’s tragic death led to an outpouring of grief from moviegoers worldwide.

She had recently completed a publicity tour of the UK, but suffered a heart attack on a flight back to America and died four days later.

Her mother, the Hollywood actress Debbie Reynolds, died one day later, aged 84.